
What is distortion?

Distortion is the act of twisting or altering a subject out of its true, natural state

Nigel Tomm

Nigel was born in 1979 and is known for his distorted photography. Nigel uses printed of pictures then scrunches and crinkles them up to create a distorted look. He uses lights when taking a photo of the distorted picture to highlight the texture of the wrinkles and bumps in the paper. The use of this method makes the image look 3D and the mixture of beauty and ugly makes the image catch your eye and make it look more interesting. The impact of the crumpled images of good looking models and celebrities bring them down to realistic beauty standers and making them look like everyday people. In his photos the subject that he has used whether they are a model or celebrity, after the wrinkles have been put in the image the beauty still shows through but at a subtle approach creating more of an impact on the viewer. The message that shines through shouts that people aren't perfect and they should be real not "fake or phony" like most celebrities and models show.

Mood board

My plan

My idea for my first shoot is to take a picture of someone and print it off ( ether in colour or black and white. ) Once i have printed the image out i will then crumple us the image and splatter paint or tea bags over the image to create an interesting look. I will also try the idea of putting string around the image and maybe hanging up the image and take a picture of it. I will also try an idea of ripping  parts of the image to create texture. I will use the technique of shadow distortion to show the texture and highlight certain aspects of the picture.

Shoot 1

Photos that i will use to create the final photo.

Final photos (Shoot 1)

EBI:  In a lot of the photos the face is blurred and the lighting is too dark so next time i will make the light brighter. In some of the photos you can see the edge of the paper and it is displeasing to the eye. Next time i will try and zoom into the photo so the edge wont be seen. With the ripped photos i will try different angles of rips and i will layer them in different ways. I will also try an idea of getting a picture in black and white and in colour and layer them up on each other to create texture and pattern in the images. 

Contact sheet

Shoot 2

Photos that i will use to create the final photo.

Final photos (Shoot 2)

EBI: In lots of the photos they are blur or too dark. In some other photos you can see the edge of the paper or the surface i have put the photo on. The photos look similar to the first shoot i did so next time i will try and put some paint or tea on it to create a more interesting look. All the photos have very similar and are all shot in the same way ( all in portrait and similar angles ) The lighting is very similar in lots of the images so next time i will use different colour lights to create an interesting look and more of a distorting look to them.

Contact sheet

Shoot 3

Photos that i will use to create the final photo.

Final photos (Shoot 3)

EBI: In these photos the different lights make the photo look more interesting and more strange to the eye. The lens was smudged so there is a slight blur to the photos making the light glow up the printed out images. There is also lots of things in the background witch distracts the eye from the image. I will try the rip affect with the paper with the different coloured lights and different backgrounds. The photos look like they are glowing with the light creating a distortion look to the images. This looks too unrealistic and takes away the theme of distortion.

EBI: In these images some of them are blury and they are kissing the edge of the image. There is very little lighting creating a gloomy look over the photo stoping and details to be shown. Some of the images are kissing the edge as they are ether too far from the printed image or they are not central. Next time i will place the images central so they are bot kissing the edge and i will shorten the shutter speed so the images are not blury and i am not having to wait as long causing the image to look blury. I will also try next time to add some light to empthsise the detale in the image and to create shadows in the printed image. There is also lots of spare space that is not even on both sides.

EBI: Most of the images you can see the edge of the paper. The space around the images are odd and doest make the picture look good.

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