Quentella Enty

Bush Infotech Group (B.I.G.), formerly known as KFA, Inc.

Founded in 1993, Bush Infotech Group (B.I.G.), formerly known as KFA, is an information technology ​consulting and services firm with a myriad of awards and recognition from industry peers and experts. B.I.G.’s core competency, which powers business efficiency and interoperability, includes technology solutions for smart cities, and the AEC & facilities management industries. B.I.G. has established strong capabilities in training and learning management systems with our B.I.G. Virtual Mentor solution. B.I.G.’s state-of-the-art business continuity and information security solutions make us SECOND TO NONE.

Christine Saffold

Vice President

Bush Infotech Group (B.I.G.), formerly known as KFA

Quentella Enty holds a Master of Business Administration degree and is also a Harvard Business School Alum. Enty’s extensive twenty years of experience in procurement, business development, community service, and bringing diverse organizations to the table with Fortune 500 companies, government, business technical assistance agencies, Ivy League Universities Executive Business Programs, and Lenders, has made her a very sought-after business executive and entrepreneurial advisor across the Chicago and national business ecosystem. Enty is pivotal to the preparation and success of the Bush Infotech Group 2023 Summit.

Enty offers BIG’s clients advice on all aspects of developing an enterprise. Enty’s award-winning career led her to BIG as Director of Strategic Sourcing & Sustainability in 2018 followed by BIG Vice President in 2021. Enty has been pivotal in assisting BIG’s CEO to transform BIG into a globally positioned business entity. Her professional network, reach into corporate procurement management, United States trade, export mission opportunity knowledge, and pure expertise in how to get things done are unparalleled.

Enty also is a student of African studies and has supported BIG’s mission to market and sell PHAZE® across the United States and Africa. Since 2018, Enty has participated in trade missions in person to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Nairobi, Kenya, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Kingston, Jamaica. Enty has also performed her craft via virtual trade missions leading Enty to assist in the development of new relationships for BIG with over fifty companies in East and West Africa.