Courage counts

november 2021 Chapter Assembly topic

Specific Objectives

At the end of the session, the assembly the participants are expected to:

  1. Realize that God does not want us to live in fear.

  2. Value the importance of living courageously.

  3. Ask for the grace to be courageous daily.

Expanded Outline

Couple Activity: Answer this question: “What are your top three life challenges this year?”

I. Introduction

We are almost at the end of the year and usually, during this time, we look back and see what the year has been for us. As we look back at our experiences this year, we will recognize that we have been through some difficult battles in life. And if we can name one virtue that allows us to get through all these challenges, that would be courage. That is why we believe that in life courage counts.

II. Courage Counts

Courage counts! We must always pray for the grace to have the courage to face the different challenges in life. This is because, without courage, fear will take control of our lives. When we allow our fears to get a foothold in our hearts and mind then it will surely steal the joy in our life.

Have you ever seen joy and fear together in your life? Can one be happy and afraid at the same time? Can someone be confident and afraid at the same time? How about thinking clearly and being afraid? No! It is impossible to have joy and be afraid at the same time. Because if you let fear enter your heart it will always take control and it will always steal the joy in our life!

That is why Jesus did not want us to live in fear! In the Bible, you can find 125 Christ-issued commands. 21 of these urges us "Not to be afraid", "Don’t fear", "have courage", and "take heart". If you count how many times Jesus said “do not be afraid” in the bible you will come up with 365. It is as if Jesus is telling us not to be afraid every day! If the quantity is an indicator, then I will say that Jesus doesn't want us to live in fear! He wants us to live courageously.

III. Living Courageously

Yes, God wants us to live courageously, but the question is why? Why does He want us to live courageously? Because only with courage can we be able to witness to the world of His love. It is only with courage that we can live out good Christian lives. Only with courage can we:

  1. Seek the Truth

Then Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” John 8:31-32

Jesus said the truth will make you free. However, for us to handle the truth, we must have courage. This is because the truth is not for the weak of heart. The truth will make us confront various issues, situations, and realities that we might not want to face. The truth will convict us to do certain actions that we are hesitant to do. The truth will make us speak of things that other people would want to hear. We can only seek and speak of the truth with courage in our hearts.

  1. Change our Ways

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2

Change is the power to let go of the familiar. Unfortunately, people do not want to change. We are usually change-resistant. We know that we need to change but we just don’t want to. This has always been a challenge for us since we have surrendered our lives to God and entered into a covenanted relationship with Him. As we continue in our relationship with God, He will continue to expose the things that we need to change in our lives. For us to make the change God wants from us then we will need to have courage.

  1. Express our Conviction

“For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and love and self-discipline. Do not be ashamed, then, of the testimony about our Lord or me his prisoner, but join with me in suffering for the gospel, relying on the power of God” 2 Timothy 1:7-8

A man of conviction is a man of courage. We say this because when we say that we are convicted of something then we can die for it. You see a belief is something you will argue about while conviction is something you will die for. A belief is something you hold while conviction is something that holds you. Let me ask you a question. Does Christian living is something you hold or something that holds you? If it holds you then it will make you passionate to know more about it, to live it, and to die for it. It is important as members of our community to live out our conviction and share it courageously with the world so that others might also be saved. It is important because courage is the only thing that will allow us to stand up for Christ and His Church when no one else is standing. It is what will keep us standing when everyone is starting to sit.

Also, as Christians, we know for sure that challenges and difficulties in life will come. We know that we will experience oppression and opposition because of our love for Christ. But with courage in our lives, we will also know what is really to be feared for and what is not. And that is to live a life that is separated from God. Courage will allow us to face the world with our Christian values, beliefs, and conviction.

To live Christian lives is tough but with courage, we can do it! They say that "Courage is fear that has says its prayers and decided to go forward anyway". I agree with them, to live courageously is to acknowledge our fears and bring them before God in prayer, and find the peace and confidence to face it with Him. This is because courageous acts do not entail the absence of fear. Fear is always a factor in the deed, but our deep relationship with God will translate our fear into courage and will embolden us to face the difficult trials of life. Yes, we have our fears, doubts, and concerns but if we have said our prayers and we decided to move forward with God then we can always live our lives courageously.

III. The Grace of Courage

Now that we understand how important it is to have courage in Christian living, then we make it a practice to constantly ask for the grace to be courageous. The good news is that God has always showered us with the means to have courage in our hearts. He ensures us that we will never lack the courage if we will take the opportunity to always tap on these spiritual exercises.

  1. Pray Daily

If we want to have courage daily, then we need to talk to the person who is the source of real courage and that is Jesus. Talking to the Lord will allow us to be in His presence. This is enough for us to take on all the trials, challenges, and temptations that are in the world. When we pray daily and surrender our fears to the Lord, then He will take it on and fight it with us. Praying will turn our fears into courage.

  1. Read the Scriptures

If we want to have courage daily, then we need to read the scriptures regularly. It is in the scriptures where you read God’s affirmation and assurance. His words have the power to take out all the doubts, uncertainties, and anxieties in our hearts and mind. When we read the scriptures, then our hearts and mind will be filled with his words, and that is enough to make us secure and confident in life. Reading the scriptures will turn our fears into courage.

  1. Frequent the Sacraments

If we want to have courage in our lives, then we need to frequently receive the sacraments. The sacraments are where God’s grace is being poured out into our souls. With God’s grace in our lives then we will surely have nothing to fear because we know that God is with us. Receiving the sacraments will turn our fears into courage.

Only by making a deliberate action by doing these three things intentionally can we have the grace to live courageous lives daily.

IV. Conclusion

I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage; I have conquered the world! John 16:33

Jesus has invited us to have a personal and intimate relationship with Him. We have said “Yes” to that invitation ever since we have committed to enter into a covenanted relationship with Him. With that relationship comes the grace to live our lives courageously. May we protect and value that relationship and continue to hold on to it despite the many troubles that we face in life. For it is through that relationship can we be courageous and that is what counts in the end.

Group Discussion

What areas of your life do you need more to be courageous? How can your household help you?