Presence and Passing on the Faith

march 2021 Family household topic


At the end of the household, MFC members should have spent quality time with their family through prayer and sharing towards having a deeper relationship that will lead them home with Christ.


A gift is something unasked for, but freely given. Time is a gift. Let us offer this gift most especially to our own families by scheduling a short family household. You may do it during meal time or down time, after Mass, or whenever it is comfortable to gather the whole family.


(Lead your family into a short prayer)

Lord, we come home to You and glorify You as the center of our family. As we are gathered at this moment, grant us the grace to have a simple sharing with one another. May the Holy Spirit inspire us and fill our family with Your Love. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.

St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church, pray for us.


What is the best present / gift that you have received? What is the best present / gift that you have given?


Mt 10:8 “Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give”

In family life, one of the best presents / gifts we can ever give and receive is presence - to give time and to be there for your loved ones. Presence is something that we can receive and give at home. We are called to do likewise when it comes to our home, the Holy Catholic Church. “Gifted to Give,” taken from Matthew 10:8, is the theme of our country's celebration of 500 years of Christianity. In the year 1521, the presence of Christianity was established here in the Philippines, it was then when we first received the gift of our faith. It was the Spaniards who passed on the faith to us through evangelization, and it was St. James the apostle who went to the ends of the earth and passed on the faith to Spain. This trail leads us back to Jesus Christ who passed on the faith to His disciples which includes St. James. Indeed, Christianity in our country is our home, and it is built to last. It has lasted for 500 years and continues to be passed on until now because this faith is a gift from God. It continues to live and is being passed on through the family from one generation to another, just like how our DNA works. Sacred Scriptures and Sacred Tradition are being lived out and shared through the centuries, not just here in the Philippines, but also in most parts of the world. In families, it is a legacy (pamana) we can choose to pass on to the next generations. Our faith is a gift that we have to give. Without cost we have received; without cost we are to give.

However, when we look around us or read the current affairs in the news or social media, we will see that the human family is suffering and wounded. Reality is, our primary values of faith, family and life are being tested and attacked. A Fatima visionary once predicted that “the final battle between the Lord and the reign of Satan will be about marriage and the family.” So many people are being distracted with secularism and materialism. It easy for them to become tired, in despair and hopeless. They have become distant from God, doubted His existence, and questioned their faith in Him. Some others struggle with anxiety and depression. These are the interior and exterior battles that are threatening to destroy our families today. May we decide to win this battle now by being able to come home to the presence of God through sincere prayers, the Sacraments (Confession, Holy Eucharist), the Scriptures and by serving the Church. This is the way to be present and remain in the state of grace. May we claim victory by giving and passing on the gift of faith through inspiring others to meet, live, and share Christ. As St. Francis of Assisi once said, "it is in giving that we receive," and so may we gratefully share God’s love to one another and to the next generations.

Since 2012, the Catholic Church in the Philippines has been on a 9-year spiritual journey looking forward to our five hundredth. This was entitled Live Christ, Share Christ as written in the Pastoral Exhortation on the Era of New Evangelization by Archbishop Jose Palma, D.D. Now it is 2021, and it is truly the year of the Lord! It is time to celebrate by giving our presence to God, to our family and to others by passing on the faith through evangelization. May we start this celebration by being present to love and pass on the faith in our homes.


For discussion, answer the following question/s:

  • How can I remain in God’s presence? How will I pass on the faith to others starting with my family?

Go Forth

Go to Mass together and offer the special intentions of each family member.

Participate in the 500 years of Christianity Celebration in your parish and community as one family.

End this family household by praying together as one family.

Group Family Photo

Have a family photo after the household then post it on social media to pass on the inspiration. Use the hashtag #MissionaryFamiliesofChrist #500YearsOfChristianity #GiftedtoGive #FamilyHousehold