Big Families Rock

July 2021 Date night topic


How Big is Big? Share with your spouse your thoughts about how many children a family must have to be considered a big family?


“And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” (Genesis 1:).

When God created Adam and Eve, He commanded them to be fruitful and multiply so that they can subdue the earth. As Catholics, we were taught to be open to life and be ready to receive the gift of having children. Yet, this openness to life and the idea of children as being a gift is being challenged by the world today.

We live in a secular world where couples usually see children as a burden and a restriction to the life that they want to have. With this mindset, most people feel that having many children will just put a strain on a family’s capacity to provide a decent living and might bring them to poverty. Some might even say that it is selfish to have many children because you are not considering your capacity to provide for every child. This perspective is not true and contrary to our faith.

Yes, it is true that with the unique challenges and situations that couples face today, every couple must discern, reflect, and discuss with each other the number of children they planned to have. It is irresponsible not to do so. But as we planned, we must have an open heart and mind to allow God to bless us with how many children, He wants us to have. We must see every child as a gift and a blessing. We must see every child as a son or daughter of God, which He will take care of and provide.

When you read Gen 1:27-30 you will see three major ideas. One, we were created in the image and likeness of God. Two, we were called to be fruitful and multiply. And three, God gave us rule over all the plants and animals. It is important to note that before He calls us to multiply, He affirms us of our capability. We are made in the image and likeness of God thus, we are full of potential and can love, raise and provide to how many children God will bless us. It is also important to see that after the call to multiply, God gave them the provision to provide for their children (plants and animals). So, we must not be afraid to receive every child God will bless us because He will also provide for them because they too are God’s children. Every child that we received from the Lord is His way of expanding our capacity to love. Every child that we received from the Lord will allow us to see how much He will provide and take care of us. That is why big families rock!


  1. What are the concerns that prevent you from being open to having more children?

  2. How can we help each other to have a mindset that is more open to life?

Go Forth

In your prayer time ask the Lord for the grace to be open to life and surrender your plans for your family to Him.