Project Ideas: Routines and Other Options

First off, a good plan is to stick to some of our Healthy Living routines:

One option is to stick to Fitness on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Then, you can delve into more Health (less active) activities on Tuesday and Thursday.

Second option (my personal preference): do a bit of fitness and reading each day. Make a schedule and check off when you've completed each task. You'll find that soon they will become habits. (And feel free to exercise and read for MORE than a bit each day!)

Week 2 Project Idea:

  1. Go for a nature walk each day. Bring a camera or a notebook/sketchbook. Return and print off your picture or drawing. Tape it into a journal or sketchbook. Write a caption for it, or perhaps a description of your walk. Or, maybe write song lyrics that fit with your picture or print?

  2. Date each entry and leave space between entries. You can make this a week long project or a daily project for the time that we are out of school.

  3. OPTIONS: you don't need to walk in nature. You can walk anywhere and take pictures and observe. Also, you don't need to date your entries. You can come up with a title for each section or day. You can also do them on separate sheets of paper and, after a week or so, go through them and re-organize them to tell a story and make a book.

  4. These ideas and options all include exercise, mindfulness, as well as artistic creation! But you don't need to be an artist to do this. Just get started.

( I can post more ideas like this if you like them-- just let me know!)

Optional Extension from our Peer Conflict, Perspective, and Empathy Lesson we did in class. Turn your response to the following into a comic, a play, a longer story, a movie, or a musical:

1. Now, in groups of 1-4, create a script or story that involves a peer conflict and a resolution. Be appropriate and remember to use empathy and understanding perspectives. This could be real or fictional and it needs to be at least half a page long. Each person should write their script or story in the space below, even if working in a group.