Elective Collaboration SUPERSTARS

Quarter 3, Here We Go!

Daily Activities, Thursday, 4/1/21


--Word Scramble and Letter Drop

--Anybody want to share their Story Title?

--Prep for Class after Fitness

--Fitness, then…

Google Classroom:

You’re role now is to write the first line of YOUR novel. This video gives fun and insightful advice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kPVzmT0jyM

Your First Line (or more!) Assignment is attached and due by tomorrow.

Also, reminder on tomorrow, Fitness Friday, and that I may be late for the Meet. We can talk about logistics for that during the class period, or I’ll post in Google Classroom Announcement.

Daily Activities, Wednesday, 3/31/21


--Competition Wednesday!

--Plan for the day and the week—Book/Movie Titles and Book/Movie Posters or Cover Art. We’ll conclude this story unit by the end of the period Friday, and do Fitness Friday on Friday, naturally.

--Best Titles of Books/Movies? Best Cover Art?

--Thoughts/Questions regarding the movie The Cure, especially regarding the awesome acting in the opening scene?


--Then, Choose your Story/Movie Title for your story after watching this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcTd2lOebvw

I especially like the #6….

--In addition, Choose or Create your own art to go on YOUR story/movie cover, or movie poster when it’s turned into a major motion picture!

--This is an engaging and informational video on publishing and creating your book/movie cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnwTt3NlQNY

The Assignment is attached and is Due tomorrow.

Daily Activities, Tuesday, 3/30/21


--Plan for the day and the week—think about how music plays a role in your viewing a movie or play. My example would be The Cure, by Alex Atkins and Andrew Franks. This is a High School movie production.

You need to watch this after our Fitness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0iIiC0baaM


Then, let’s think about the SOUNDTRACK for your story if it was turned into a film. What songs will be used for different portions of your story, if it was turned into a film or play?

Rather than me giving you links to soundtracks, feel free to Google soundtracks for films, or just go on your own as only YOU know how your story needs to be told, and what music needs to be played. Don't worry about copyright as this is just a creative assignment for this class.

Look at your Story Template and provide FIVE songs to be played during your story as it is turned into a film.

Your Assignment and Template is attached and is due by tomorrow.

Daily Activities, Monday, 3/29/21


--Marley, Mindful, and Motivational Monday!

--Plan for the Week: Continue Fitness, Activities, Story Creating and Stage Production, and Finishing the Quarter with hopefully some fun.

--Watch Flocabulary Rap on the Elements of a Story, then

--Fitness, then Mindfulness and Relaxation

--Next, watch two of these Motivational Videos and Questions Answered from the Teen Council:

-- Matthew McConaughey’s Motivational Speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKJImnk-gzQ

“You are the author of the book of your life!”

--Michael Jordan, dealing with failure and through hard work, overcoming it! To learn to succeed, you must learn to fail. Limits, like fears, are just an illusion. You can do it!


--Sarah Hildebrandt (a Female Wrestler from the USA): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvUmaATa8Xw

And then, think about your own motivation, challenges, and try to come up with a plan to overcome these and make healthy habits for you this spring, summer, and beyond!

ALSO, some of you haven’t finished your Story Templates AND your Fitness Friday from last week. Now is a time to catch up on that.

Daily Activities, Friday, 3/26/21


--Weekinrap and Plan for the day and rest of the quarter

--Fitness Friday!

--Check back in at: _____

Then fill out your Documentation (attached) and any other missing assignments you have, like past Fitness Fridays, or a number of you haven’t finished your Story Template I or II….

Daily Activities, Thursday, 3/25/21


--Activity TBD

--Plan for the week, and through next week

--Develop Your Story—

What are your favorite stories, movies, books, shows, etc.?

--Mini-lesson from the Story and Stagecraft Unit

--Story Template 2 is due by the end of the day today. See attached in Google Classroom.


Then go to Google Classroom, watch these videos to help motivate your own Story Template!

How to Build a Fictional World: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQTQSbjecLg


Another one on the Plot Diagram with movie clips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGuPCEVjOKA

Finally, fill out Story Template 2 (attached)

Daily Activities, Wednesday, 3/24/21


--Competition Wednesday—Super Quiz!

--Plan for the week, and through next week

--Develop Your Story—

What are your favorite stories, movies, books, shows, etc.?


Then your Story Creation Template Assignment—Document attached. I’ve made it into a two part assignment. Part I is

Due: tomorrow, Thursday, 3/24

--Viewing/watching the following may help in your Story Templates: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yzY6buMflo

Daily Activities, Tuesday, 3/23/21


--Name that Tune Tuesday


--Let’s get started with the New Unit!

Day One:


Students choose a familiar story to use as the basis of their project work, then provide background information in a Google Doc.

Introduction: Story Selection (Present and discuss with class)

Story Selection: Student Task (Post in G. Classroom; make a copy for each student.)

Then, if time, take some time to take a walk. As Nietzche said, "All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking."

Also, some folks didn’t submit their completed Fitness Friday last week. Please do, if you have time after the lesson.

Daily Activities, Monday, 3/22/21


--Mindful, Marley, and Motivational Monday

--Growth Mindset Followup/Review/Enrichment, after Fitness

--A minute, some relaxation, and fitness

--Then… Watch AT LEAST TWO of the following videos:

--A couple Motivational Videos, a couple more on Growth Mindset, Grit, and Mental Toughness. And one on Sleep and Mindfulness by Kobe Bryant.

1. Here’s a Great Story on Grit! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrnihanwVos

2. Lessons on Grit with Movie Clips:

--Embrace the Journey, Work Together, Have a Plan,

and BOUNCE BACK from Failure! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ko_Dym09Hws

3. Kobe Bryant Motivational Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gi9y3sTrXE

--Competitive Nature, the Work Ethic, and Curiosity

4. And another one on Sleep and Meditation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8woY1H0YY7A

Daily Activities, Thursday, 3/18/21


--Word Scramble or Question in the Chat

--Plan for the day and rest of week, into next week—small assessment on Anatomy, Fitness Friday, and next week we’ll have lessons on Puberty and Healthy Relationships.


--Then complete the assignment posted in Google Classroom, based on our Anatomy Learning.

--Also, feel free to fill out an Anonymous Question, especially if you haven’t already.

Google Form:


Daily Activities, Wednesday, 3/17/21

--Attendance/Checkin/Poll or Question

--Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

--Competition Wednesday—Super Quiz

--Growth Mindset Follow-up, stories, and/or Slide Show or Presentation from Mr. Andy Sears.


Then, watch the next video to continue in our Growth Mindset approach to Growth Mindset.

Neuroplasticity! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELpfYCZa87g&t=1s

Daily Activities, Tuesday, 3/16/21

--Attendance/Checkin/Poll or Question

--Name that Tune Tuesday

--More on Growth Mindset


Then go to Google Classroom and watch these awesome and important videos!

What is Growth Mindset? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75GFzikmRY0

Growing Your Mind! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtKJrB5rOKs&t=1s

Daily Activities, Monday, 3/15/21

--Attendance/Checkin/Poll or Question

--Marley, Mindful, and Motivational Monday!

--Plan for the week and into the next two—Growth Mindset, and fitness, too, of course.

--Mindful Minute, Relaxation, then

--Fitness with a little Yoga in Bed for Warmup or Cooldown


--Growth Mindset Intro Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JC82Il2cjqA&list=PL4111402B45D10AFC&t=15s

Watch these two Motivational Videos.

1: by Denzel Washington: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbnzAVRZ9Xc&t=10s

and 2: by the Kid President: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-gQLqv9f4o

Lesson plans for the week will be around Growth Mindset, Motivation, and also include our opening activities and Fitness.

Daily Activities, Friday, 3/12/21

--Attendance and Checkin and the Weekinrap

--Question in the Chat?

--Fitness Friday!

--Check back in at:_______

Then submit your Documentation for the day.

Also, look up missing assignments and get them in.

Then, chill out, and have a great weekend!

Daily Activities, Thursday, 3/11/21

--Attendance and Checkin and Poll

--Super Quiz

--Question for the Chat


--Then more Green Woodworking here in Google Classroom:

Part 1 - “Can We Make A Chair From A Tree In A Day? Hand Tools Only.”


Part 2 - “Why The Greenwood Chair Made In A Day From A Tree Does Not Fall Apart”


Part 3 - “Coppicing: The Chair In A Day Stump Is Now Five Trees!”


And, looking to the future, and if you’re interested in a career in crafting:

“Craft in America artists on choosing a career in the arts”:


“Incredible Woodworker and His Workshop”


“Linda Sikora, Therman Statom, Mark Mitsuda on craft schools”


“North Bennet Street School -- DO WHAT YOU LOVE EVERY DAY”


Daily Activities, Wednesday, 3/10/21

--Attendance and Checkin and Poll

--Name that Tune and/or Super Quiz

--How’d it go with the sub and what did you think of the Jasmine Harrison article and video?


Then more on Green Woodworking

An Introduction To Bowl Carving Tools


“Bowl Carving Part 1”


“Bowl Carving Part 2”


“Walnut bowl / Bowl carving with hand tools / almond-like wooden bowl”


“Decorative Carving on a Cherry Wood Bowl”


“Carving a Leaf Design on a Bowl Bottom”


“Food-Safe Finishes for Greenwood Pieces”


Daily Activities, Tuesday, 3/9/21

--Attendance and Checkin

--Checkin with them on what they learned from the Jasmine Harrison article and video and/or the Green Woodworking articles and videos.

--Next, they leave the Meet to do this fitness exercise. They’ve done it before and it is approximately 20 minutes long. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qTYCIqDxuRO_JPZlHps6kSLKxPqksmp8/view

--Then, they watch these videos on Green Woodworking.



“Greenwood Shrink Pot with Danielle Rose Byrd”


Daily Activities, Monday, 3/8/21

--Attendance, Check-in, Poll

--Mindful, Marley, and Motivational Monday!

--Activities and Video for Motivational Monday

--Weekinrap and Jasmine Harrison and her trip across the Atlantic by boat, the first woman to go solo across the Atlantic.

--Also, add commentary on Madeleine Wolczko, our local Vashon Motivational Star!


Then, read this article and watch these videos.

NY Times article: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/22/sports/row-atlantic-ocean-jasmine-harrison.html

BBC Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRRN-UvhotY

(Awesome boat name!)

And another awesome story about the first woman to go solo across the Pacific! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjIv4VWRTNQ

(It took her 250 days!)

And more on Green Woodworking!

5. Present and Post Video:

“How to cut a mug from a tree. Yakut left-handed knife.”


Level 1 “A recent cherry kuksa I've carved with instructions”


Level 2 “Carving a Classic Kuksa Cup”


Level 3 “Burl Kuksa Tutorial”


Daily Activities, Friday, 3/4/21

--Attendance, Check-in, Poll

--Word Scramble and/or Comedy

Fitness Friday and Green Woodworking Reflection Assignment is attached.

AND Watch these:

“Knife Grips for Spoon Carving”


“Tools & Materials for Spoon Carving”


“How to carve the bowl of a spoon using a hook knife with Robin Wood.”


“How I hollow a spoon bowl using adze and hook knife”


Daily Activities, Wednesday, 3/3/21

--Attendance, Check-in, Poll

--Competition Wednesday!

--What did we learn about Green Woodworking from yesterday?

--What kind of activities do you do with wood—follow-up from yesterday’s poll?


Then continue with our Green Woodworking Unit.

--Notes from Mr. Mortensen regarding this unit and the importance of safety:

REMIND TO STUDENTS: If they mean to try this at home they ABSOLUTELY MUST TELL THEIR GUARDIANS their intentions and HAVE PERMISSION as well as ADULT SUPERVISION. Their guardians should watch Ben Orford’s video with them so that they will understand the safety rules themselves. https://youtu.be/ppizHReDhvs

3. Present and/or Post Video:

“How to Carve a Wooden Spoon: a chat with Jonny”


5. Present and/or Post Video:

“The Simple Art of Spoon Carving:


7. Post Articles:

“5 Best Trees For Spoon Carving”


“Sourcing Wood”


“Finding Green Wood for Carving”


8. Present and/or Post Video:

“Introduction to Spoon Carving with Deborah Schneebeli-Morrell”


Daily Activities, Tuesday, 3/2/21

--Attendance, Checkin, Poll

--Name that Tune Tuesday

--Green Woodworking Intro


--Green Woodworking Intro Continued:

Read these articles and watch this video.

2. Present Articles:

“What is Green Woodworking”


“Green woodworking: introduction”


4. Present and/or Post Video:


Daily Activities, Monday, 3/1/21

--Attendance, Checkin, Poll

--Mindful and Motivational Monday!

--Brief Intro to the Next Unit: Green Wood Working

Some Fitness,

-- Watch this Motivational Video (promoting kindness and positive energy with these middle school girls): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrkEdaxm30w

Then rest of the day’s assignment is on Google Classroom (attached), regarding the last unit and the next one.

Daily Activities, Friday, 2/26/21

--Attendance, Checkin, Poll


--Fitness Friday!

Check back in at:_________

And fill out the Documentation Attached

Thursday, Feb. 25

--Attendance, Check-in, a Poll and maybe something fun

--Share out your Forest Bathing Experience

-- Next, some Fitness: Here is one of the workout videos that I do with my brother for our wrestling team during this time. There’s more where this came from, if you’re interested. It’s about 20 minutes long: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qTYCIqDxuRO_JPZlHps6kSLKxPqksmp8/view

--Then, just like we did last Thursday, watch this video (Creative Fitness! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWlljMgA3LU ) and come up with your own Creative Workout.

--Write this out in a Google Doc or by hand with drawings and take a picture to submit to Google Classroom. This will be the workout that you will do tomorrow for Fitness Friday!

Wednesday, Feb. 24

--Attendance, Check-in, and a Super Quiz

--Comedy option to get things started-- we all need more comedy in our lives!

Next, some Fitness: Here is one of the workout videos that I do with my brother for our wrestling team during this time. There’s more where this came from, if you’re interested. It’s about 20 minutes long: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qTYCIqDxuRO_JPZlHps6kSLKxPqksmp8/view

--Then, practice Forest Bathing, reading this article (https://time.com/5259602/japanese-forest-bathing/)


Watch one of these videos:

--Videos on Forest Bathing (a short one); https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBjaIuzwAH8

(A longer Ted Talk): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uk0QriYYws

And go outside to capture all your senses. Chill, explore, wander.

Students should write their observations in a Google Doc that describes each of their senses in their Forest Bathing Experience. This can be in 2-5 sentences, or more.

Daily Activities, Tuesday, 2/23/21

--Attendance, Checkin/Poll, and Reminder on Connection Issues and Attendance

--Next, take a poll or ask them how many hours a day they are on screens.

--Name that Tune

--Then, do a short fitness routine--

--Small Break

--Then, the Assignment: Read the article about Keri Smith: https://time.com/3579472/meet-the-woman-trying-to-save-your-kids-from-their-screens/

and Then go outside and Explore—see attached pictures—and find an Object and Create a History for it or a Fictitious Story that involves it. Make sure to calmly take time to EXPLORE. The History or Fictitious Story should be at least a paragraph (3-8 sentences) and you submit it in a Google Doc. Due by tomorrow.

Daily Activities, Monday, 2/22/21

--Attendance, Check-in on their Mid-Winter Break, and have them take a Mindful Minute to relax, breath and CHILL.

Mindfulness is the awareness of “some-thing,” while meditation is the awareness of “no-thing.” There are many forms of meditation. ... Mindfulness Meditation is a form of Clear Mind meditation. Attention is paid to the natural rhythm of the breath while sitting, and to the rhythm of slow walking.

--Share any of their activities that they turned in last Friday and during Break. Ask permission and have them share, or, with permission, share some of theirs, or just a summary of what they turned in.

--Next, use one of the videos from last Tuesday—Yoga, Relaxation, and or Guided Meditation.

--Small Break, then…

--Fitness—either do your own with them, or have them do 15-25 minutes of cardio outside, weather dependent.

-- Students should check back in and then do the assignment from the following prompt in a freewrite, creating their own Google Doc and submitting it:

o What makes them feel most ALIVE and INSPIRED? They can also add a picture or video of them doing that.

Friday, 2-11-21

--Attendance, Checkin, Weekinrap

--Watch this Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWlljMgA3LU

--Go over the workout assignment (see attached) for the day and the options.

--Return at:_________

--And complete the assignment attached


Thurs. 2-10:

--Attendance, Checkin, Word Scramble

--Share any of your Creations from Yesterday?

Fitness, then the following lesson:

Opening Questions:

1. What do you think of technology?

2. How does it impact you now, and what would life look like for you if you didn’t have our current technology?

3. What is your plan for a technology free hour/day/weekend?

4. How did it go and what did you learn about yourself and any of our dependence on technology?

5. This is a video made my former students in 2005, I think. Both former students, Alex Atkins and Andrew Franks, have continued to make films since their time at VHS. The video is their assessment of the assignment.

6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHV5V8-aEC8&list=UUGGzy4Gh8Kx7GS9b3v9oSfw


Bonus, Write a poem using magnetic poetry: http://play.magneticpoetry.com/ on your Anti-Technology Experience.

There is a nature poetry section, and much more—I love the mustache one, naturally!

You can rewrite the poem or story after creating, or take a picture of it and share after your Mid-Winter Break Experience.

Wednesday, 2-9-21

--Attendance and Checkin

--Super Quiz or Something Fun


Then, Create Something! See directions below. (Some 6th graders have done this before, but it's awesome to create something else and new, and enjoy the process!)

Creative play, especially three-dimensional play, is something that is not only fun, but it is beneficial for our personal health, and expands our mind from the 2-D world we are currently working in.

--The assignment—Create something 3 Dimensional! See this video and create something with paper, or objects around you.

Take a picture or video and submit it in Google Classroom here, and/or prepare to share in class tomorrow! Be Creative, Take your Time, Have Fun!

watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iMGFqMmUFs&feature=youtu.be

Tuesday, Feb. 9

--Attendance and Check-in. PERHAPS ask them how the Q3 is going after one day, what they are most looking forward to, what they will miss from Q2, etc.

--Name that Tune Tuesday

--Go over our yoga and relaxation experiences the day before.

--A small break,

--Then Fitness. I will run it.

Then hi and bye and fill out the Fitness Checkin assignment attached.

--For your future fitness: Here is one of the workout videos that I do with my brother for our wrestling team during this time. There’s more where this came from, if you’re interested. It’s about 20 minutes long: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qTYCIqDxuRO_JPZlHps6kSLKxPqksmp8/view

Also, if it’s not raining, then I encourage my students to go outside and do cardio, so that is an option—walking, running, biking….

Monday, Feb. 8

--First day of new Unit. Start with Attendance and any sort of check-in that you would like to do. Possible ideas are Screen on Screen Off, any sort of quiz or Mad Libs, a Caption Contest, or a game. But I also trust you to use some of your best ones. Character Strong also has some good ones.

--Go over some basics for the course, the structure of this group of Elective Superstars, and perhaps some guidelines for online etiquette and all that. And chat with them about how the last unit went for them.

--Normally on Monday, I do some mindfulness/relaxation and some yoga. I often use books, but perhaps it’s easier to use either of these videos:

-- This is Yoga with Adriene: https://www.youtube.com/user/yogawithadriene

(She's a little wonky but there's a crazy amount of options on this site. The students prefer her over some of the other Yogis.)

--Here is a Body Scan Meditation Video. There are a bunch out there if you make a simple search. I usually read mine from a book by Thich Nhat Hanh, but sometimes it’s easier and more effective to have someone else guide it, like in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0nuKBVQS7M

--This is short video of a Guided Meditation—it’s totally CHILL! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0nuKBVQS7M

--Checkin with them after the Relaxation and/or Meditation. Then, do a really simple Fitness workout:

--10 Jumping Jacks, 10 pushups, 10 situps or crunchers, 10 air squats, and 5 minutes of jogging, or skipping or dancing in place. YOU can choose to do more or less.

--Then, students should go to Google Classroom to fill out their first Introductory Assignment.

Daily Activities, Friday, 2/5/21

--Attendance, Checkin, Poll


--Fitness Friday

--Return at _________

And fill out the Documentation and Reflection Form on your Fitness and ASL

Daily Activities, Thursday, 2/4/21

--Attendance, Checkin, Poll

--Word Scramble


Then more ASL LESSONS for you in Google Classroom. Watch these videos and fill out the Exit Slip, OR we’ll have a Quiz/Reflection tomorrow.

1.Review/Quiz Day! Share this video review of many words taught through the ASL 1 and 2 modules: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tK4pW05b2VnmtuIleQTa0P3o9xF3q2sS/view?usp=sharing

2. Watch this video “ASL Interpreting 101 for Hearing People” TED Talk:


--Friday will be a mix of review, reflection, the weekinrap, and Fitness Friday

Daily Activities, Wednesday, 2/3/21

--Attendance, Checkin, Poll

--Super Quiz or some form of Competition Wednesday


Then next lessons on ASL:

1. Review fingerspelling and practice ABCs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEB45Z6xlAg

2.Introduce new vocabulary: Printable Lesson 3 GO OVER VOCABULARY ONLY https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jfj_W6DkQWmtTtIv8KozEgJhdLMMoayPfGg6qkqTiiw/edit?usp=sharing

3. Share video https://drive.google.com/file/d/1su9YgkBKpcJ6edoZTKHaYc3-cpqkBDfj/view?usp=sharing

4. Have students practice vocabulary

5. After watching the vocabulary video and practicing the individual words, preview the practice sentences.

6. Then show video 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t0qC-KS0oF62fPtqGgBYldcLdRiKVnes/view?usp=sharing

Bonus Video, in Honor of Competition Wednesday:

Dude Perfect and the Seahawks!


Daily Activities, Tuesday, 2/2/21

--Attendance, Checkin, Poll

--What did you learn about ASL through the videos, and perhaps your prior information?


then the following activities

-3. Share printable ASL Alphabet sharable/printable: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zH_Ooe7m4lsRmMdxU1Ap8e3Mgz6jWL6S/view?usp=sharing

4. Fingerspelling Introduction video: https://youtu.be/Whi2dJGB9Ew

5. Fingerspelling Slideshow:


Daily Activities, 2/1

--Attendance, Checkin, Poll

--Intro to ASL

--Marley Mindful Monday—meditate, yoga, relax, and

--Short Fitness

Then, say hi and bye and go to

--Assignment on Google Classroom here (read this and watch this):

1.Quick read article: “5 Reasons Why You Should Learn American Sign Language” https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zdWFMKdMZaZZFIasbVk2rp1Bj_tLMpDcV0njfE54uao/edit?usp=sharing

2. Introduction to unit Lesson video:


Exploratory Elective, 1/29/21

--Attendance, Checkin, Poll

--Weekinrap? And another video

--Follow-up lesson and then Fitness or Explore College or Future Careers and turn in the assignment/documentation

Exploratory Elective, 1/28/21

Exploratory Elective, 1/28/21 --Attendance, Checkin, Poll --What you learned from College Videos --Fitness --Then watch these videos. I will post an assignment tomorrow, so just watch the videos today.

USC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eERe0-E4Zpg&feature=youtu.be Harvard: https://college.harvard.edu/admissions/explore-harvard/virtual-tour University of Miami: https://www.youvisit.com/tour/miami?pl=v? University of Nebraska: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6o5bQB-SSg&feature=youtu.be WSU: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPnQi0FgoP8 Think about the following questions to prepare for tomorrow: -What comments do you have after watching the videos? -What questions do you have after watching?

Exploratory Elective, 1/27/21

--Attendance and Checkin

--Start Unit by Ms. Filanoski

Watch these videos and do this assignment. Videos to watch for College Prep 1.

Watch this video: Confusing College Admissions Words Explained https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKvJAbOmTxo 2. Should you go to College? (There is an OBNOXIOUS subscribe ad smack in the middle of it. Sorry!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7i6LxgoaVh0 3. Is College Worth the Time and Money? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfoGLH7kQLs