Health Related Activities

Reading is good for the mind-- the process can enlighten you and calm you (depending on what you're reading, of course). Check out our local library website for resources and access:

Week 2, Health Related Tips:

  1. Take time to step away from your homeschool tasks: practice walking away and/or sitting and breathing for ten minutes, especially if you're feeling anxious.

  2. Since we're in the house more than normal, look up a good (and healthy!) recipe and make it, perhaps with a family member, or by yourself.

  3. Drink lots of water and get lots of sleep. (Shut down screen time well before bedtime)

  4. Practice good posture: this will help your breathing, your confidence, as well as your long term spinal structure.

  5. Cultivate Gratitude: send a handwritten letter to a dear friend or family member.

  6. Perhaps this video is likely directed more toward for parents (and homeschool teachers), but here is Angela Duckworth talking about Grit: Angela Duckworth: Ted Talk on Grit

Optional Extension Assignment: this week we explored Perspective and Empathy and their roles in helping to solve Peer Conflicts. In our time away from school, feel free to take the next step in our in-class assignment: turn your script into a comic strip, a play, a short novel, or even a short film. We did the below response in class on Tuesday, 3/10:

1. Now, in groups of 1-4, create a script or story that involves a peer conflict and a resolution. Be appropriate and remember to use empathy and understanding perspectives. This could be real or fictional and it needs to be at least half a page long. Each person should write their script or story in the space below, even if working in a group.

Here are some Mindfulness Videos to get us started with paying attention to the moment, and, hopefully, calming us in the process (especially in these uncertain times):