Camp Covid: Vashon Wrestling Camp

Hi Everyone. Please Read the Camp Flyer Below. I will try to post the Google Meet at the TOP OF THIS CAMP COVID PAGE each weekend, before the following week's workout. This will include the Meet Signin Details as well as any necessary materials for the week. But, as Coach PL mentions in his invite, no materials are really needed-- all you need to do is be able to work hard and laugh at the coaches' jokes.

Week 2: Mon, Wed, Fri at 9 am: Materials: nothing for week 2, unless I make a "homework" assignment at the end of a session.

Workout gear: "Prepare to stretch the sauce," as a wise man once said.

All of our Camp Covid sessions will have the following signin codes:

Join with Google Meet

Join by phone +1 402-526-0358 (PIN: 488942032)

Past Episodes of Camp Covid 2020 Recordings are below:

Day 1, week 1, starting the sauce with numbers:

Day 2, week 1, big and small animals (and Lucas is coming over):

Day 3, week 1: degrees of fitness, and pineapples on pizza:

Day 4, week 2: geographically amazing, not unlike death metal and reggae, or the Metropolis known as Stanley, Idaho:

Day 5, week 2: lots of condiments needed to stretch this sauce:

Day 6, week 2: state capitals with mohawks and mullets:

Day 7, week 3: no badgering this great workout, and who's your favorite teacher:

Day 8, week 3: the Final Episode (before the Finale):

IF YOU WANT TO SEE SOME COMEDY OF GOOGLE-MEET BEGINNERS, THEN CHECK THIS OUT (and Finn was in another meet at the same time....) :

Vashon Wrestling Virtual Summer Wrestling Camp: 2020 (aka Camp Covid) Camp Flyer

Obviously, we wish we this could be a camp at the Potato Barn. But, due to current regulations, this is what we will provide. The workouts will be a mix of crossfit, HIIT, and some creative mixups/mashups, like we do. All workouts will make a wrestler a better athlete—fit, strong, quick, and explosive. Please respond and we will send out Google Meet details by this weekend. Please use your school gmail, and if you're a parent or an alumni, just let us know your email so we can "Admit" you to the session. Sometimes it's hard to tell when "Da Mustache Cow" wants to join and you don't know who they are...

When: Starting June 22 through July 10 (3 weeks).

3 mornings a week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9 am (usually lasting 45 minutes). We hope/plan to make the last Friday a Culminating Trial or Rite of Passage.

Who: All wrestlers (and family members) and athletes are welcome-- middle school and high school.

Why: to stay in shape, get to be better athletes, and to do something together, as a community! (Part of being a team is doing whatever is necessarily and possible, and while these activities aren’t like a real camp, they will solidify our bonds in training and our bonds together as a wrestling team.)*

There is no cost, BUT you can donate, if you want. Anders Blomgren has Venmo and we both have snail mail addresses (13525 sw 207 lane). If we get enough donations, then we can maybe get cool tshirts or tanktops for our training time together for those who regularly participate. Or prizes for the top and regular performers. To Be Determined.

Truly, we wish we could do a real wrestling camp this year, but it looks like those opportunities aren't available for us as a team this summer.

If you/your wrestler wants to go to camp, then there are camps out there in states that have less sanctions than we do. Let me know if you need any more tips and/or look at for ideas, or just do a Google search. There were camps in Oklahoma earlier this month, Purler Camps are well regarded, and I think Idaho has some good camps. This decision is up to you and your family, and feel free to join up if you have family and friends who are of a similar mindset.

*I'm working with our administration to see if we can do partner exercises, even if virtual. To be determined.

IF YOU ARE IN TO OUR ONLINE CAMP, THEN PLEASE REPLY. We will make a list and go from there. I know many parents want their kids doing something-- and I know many of you are itching to work out and get to be better athletes! It's also fun to do it together and create a virtual camp atmosphere. We've had fun this spring with this, and hope to make it even more powerful and awesome this summer! Also, it’s important for our athletes to stay active and focused on goals and fitness, and doing it together is what makes a team truly gel.