Freshmen Interviews


Hey Freshies! So, your high school adventure is FINALLY starting! Is it everything you could have hoped for? Or are you really missing your kindergarten days?

What class are you really enjoying so far?

Rebecca King: “Journalism, I guess”

Izzy Caudillo: “Scrubs”

Who is your favorite teacher?

Rebecca: “I just like all my teachers, they’re pretty interesting.”

Izzy: “O’neill.”

Why did/didn’t you join journalism??

Rebecca: “I just thought it would be cool to, like, put myself out there and stuff. Just like what Donnie did on Snapchat.”

Izzy: “Because I wanted to take Scrubs!”

We are the only life forms that drink milk from other animals past our infancy. Thoughts?

Rebecca: “That’s...I don’t know…”

Me: “Mammals drink their mother’s milk when they are babies, and we continue to drink milk when we are not babies. So we take it from other moms’, from mommy cows, mommy goats...and mommy almonds.”

Rebecca: “Humans are weird… I don't know.”

Izzy: “That’s great. I don’t really like milk though because I’m lactose intolerant.”

What have you learned about high school so far?

Rebecca: “There are a lot of people”

What have you learned FROM high school so far?

Rebecca: “You should be outgoing,...don’t keep to yourself [or you will be forgotten].”

Izzy: “Don’t forget your P.E. clothes.”

Are you hyped for homecoming or are you hyped for homecoming?

Rebecca: “I’m hyped”

Me: “Yeah?”

Rebecca: “Yeah.”

Izzy: “I’m hyped for homecoming.”