A.Y. 2022 - Present

The logo of the College of Commerce and Business Administration Commission on Elections (COMELEC - CBA Unit) is a symbol that represents an accurate depiction of what Commerce students practice for their future professions whilst representing the Commerce community with justice and protecting the sanctity of the ballot.

The logo or seal of UST COMMERCE COMELEC isrepresented by three significant symbols, a winged wheel, the scales of justice, and a quill.

The winged wheel that the Ancient Greeks and Romans originated symbolizes the college’s assigned symbol that signifies progress, motion, and speed.

The scales of justice represent the truth and fairness that the UST Commerce Comelec exhibits by administering laws and regulations concerning the conduct of college’s elections and resolutions.

The last symbol found in the logo is the quill which symbolizes communication and intelligence that shift towards the openness of the constitutional body and its invitation to exercise the students’ right to vote.

The Old Logo

The logo or seal of UST COMMERCE COMELEC consist of the following:

The Scales of Justice symbolizes the unbiased consideration or balancing of the two sides in every presented legality.