Chromebook & iPad Agreement


The goal of United Nations International School is to create a collaborative learning environment for all learners. This environment enables and support students and teachers to implement transformative uses of technology, while enhancing students’ engagement with content and promoting the development of self-directed, responsible life-long learners and users. Students are not consumers of information but creative producers and owners of knowledge. Technology immersion does not diminish the vital role of the teacher. To the contrary, it transforms the teacher from a director of learning to a facilitator of learning.


The UNIS Junior School is supplying students with a Chromebook (J3, J4) or an iPad (JA, J1, J2) that is sent home every day in anticipation of a hypothetical school closure (for students from JA and J1) and to allow for continuity in their learning (for students who are learning from school and home). The supplied device’s function will be to provide each student access to the required educational materials needed for each student to be successful. The Chromebook allows student access to Clever, Seesaw, educational web-based tools, as well as many other useful sites. The supplied device is an educational tool not intended for other activities that are not educational related.


Usage of UNIS Technologies is guided by the “UNIS Technology and Social Media Acceptable Use Policy”. This policy applies to all authorized users of UNIS technology equipment: students, faculty, staff and administration.

The “UNIS Technology and Social Media Acceptable Use Policy” and related policies and protocols are accessible online. Any authorized users of UNIS technology and/or parents/legal guardian are expected to read, understand and agree to abide by the terms of this policy and the related ones.


When using a UNIS Chromebook or iPad, students agree to comply with this agreement and all other computing related policies. 

Misuse of a school-owned Chromebook/iPad or information resources may result in:



We use our Chromebook and iPads in school for research and educational games. We listen to what apps and programs to use and stick to those only. If we want to use another teaching tool we ask an adult first: a parent at home, a teacher at school. If I want to use my device outside of the normal school hours, I ask an adult first and respect their decision.


We care for our electronic devices in school and at home by: 


We keep our personal information private except for my teacher and my parents. This is information that is personal to us like our name, age, address, password. 

We talk with an adult if something makes us feel uncomfortable, at school with my teacher, and at home with my parents.


We use kind, sensible and safe words, symbols and images when we are working and communicating using technology and online. If we see or hear unkind or unsafe words, or words that are not used with good sense, we talk with my teachers or my parents.


We use our device for learning. This means sometimes for a short time and sometimes for longer. We think about our brains and take a break sometimes. 


Respect and Protect Yourself

Respect and Protect Others

Respect Intellectual Property

Respect Property