Dr David Izquierdo Villalba

My name is David Izquierdo-Villalba and I'm currently a postdoctoral researcher at Universitá degli Studi di Milano Bicocca. During my academic career, I have been working with semi-analytical models (SAM) of galaxy formation. Particularly, I focused on how galactic bulges and massive black holes form and evolve through cosmic time. More specifically, regarding black holes, I developed a comprehensive model to study their cosmological assembly. I included in L-Galaxies SAM recipes for describing the physics of BH mass growth, spin evolution, the ejection of massive BHs from galactic bulges via gravitational recoil, and the formation of wandering black holes.

Currently, I am interested in using my expertise with semi-analytical models to study the formation and evolution of massive binary black holes. In particular, with SAMs we could understand where massive binaries can be found at different cosmological times and different galaxy types.

You can contact me via mail at: david.izquierdovillalba@unimib.it

Research Interests


 (See this link of NASA ADS for the most updated publication list)

Curriculum vitae
