Dr Anuradha Samajdar

I have been working on using and developing Bayesian analysis methods for analysing LIGO and Virgo data. Specifically, I used gravitational wave (GW) data from stellar mass binary black hole and binary neutron star signals to place constraints on General Relativity using parameterised deviations in the GW waveform. From parameter estimation studies of binary neutron star signals using Bayesian inference, my collaborator and I also developed a technique to directly extract an equation-of-state independent relation (quasiuniversal relation) from GW data, and showed effects of waveform systematics in estimating tidal deformability of neutron stars from using currently employed waveform models.

As an extension to my previous work, I intend to use Bayesian studies in analysis of data from pulsar timing arrays and eventually build a noise and signal model characterising a gravitational wave background signal closer to the observational data. In addition, techniques for quantifying robustness of the signal model used for detecting a gravitational wave background signal will also be developed.

Research interests:


A full list of my publications excluding the ones co-authored with the LIGO and Virgo Collaborations are here:

List of short author publicationsÂ