Dr Aurélien Chalumeau

Hello ! I am Aurélien Chalumeau, a postdoctoral researcher working in the BMassive group, in the Department of Physics "Giuseppe Occhialini" of the Universitá degli Studi di Milano Bicocca.
You can contact me via aurelien.chalumeau@unimib.it

My researches are mainly focused on pulsar timing studies, and particularly on the search for very-low frequency (~nano-Hertz) gravitational waves (GWs) using Pulsar Timing Array (PTA) experiments. I am a member of the European Pulsar Timing Array (EPTA) and International Pulsar Timing Array (IPTA) collaborations. 

I spend a large fraction of my time developing softwares and using them to model signals and analyze simulated or real pulsar timing data, mainly to study and improve the capability of PTAs to correctly measure the gravitational wave background. I am currently focusing on the optimization of the single-pulsar noise models for the EPTA and the study of the impact of the Solar System Ephemeris (SSE) errors in PTA results. I am also working on the characterization of time-varying signals due to the heterogeneous electronic content of the interstellar (ISM) & interplanetary (IPM) media, again to improve the robustness of GW measurements. 

I am in general interested in any application related with timing of pulsars which provide a wonderful laboratory for many topics in Astronomy: SSEs, ISM/IPM, pulsar astrophysics, formation and evolution of massive binary black holes and galaxies, processes in the early Universe, ...

Research interests

Here is a full list of my publications from NASA/ADS