B Massive

Binary Black Hole Astrophysics


to the website of the Astrophysics research group working on B MASSIVE

B MASSIVE stands for Binary Black Hole Astrophysics, and it is a project funded by the 2018 ERC Consolidator scheme.

B MASSIVE aims at probing the existence of massive black hole binaries by means of theoretical modelling, time domain surveys and pulsar timing data.


We have evidence for nanoherz gravitational waves! An amazing result for our team 

On June 29th, 2023, the European Pulsar Timing Array (EPTA) reported for the first time a 3 to 4 sigma evidence for a low-frequency gravitational wave background. The B-Massive group is heavily involved in the achievement of this amazing result. A similar result was obtained by collaborations in North America, Australia, China.

This is an impressive milestone for astrophysics, and it opens a new era for the observation of low-frequency gravitational waves.

You can read more about the discovery on the EPTA website 

Check out this podcast and video from the ERC!

[Italian:] Check out TG Leonardo and the Bicocca press release!

Save the date!

LISA AstroWG meeting @ Milano-Bicocca

13-15 September 2023

Here more info about the meeting schedule and organization