Electromagnetic and Information Theory
The figure above summarises my idea on the research to blend electromagnetic and information theory. Water represents the streams of information at the Deep Physical Layer level. The sea is our world, where Maxwell's equations rule the game, while the abyss is a place outside of our physical world, where the communication process violates Maxwell's equation. We would like to be as close as possible to the border between these two words, where the flow of information is faster, avoiding falling into the abyss. A "physical theory of information" allows us to walk the boundary of these two words while keeping our footsteps in the real world.
There is a profound elegance in our universe, beautifully exemplified by the fusion of information theory with the laws of physics . The captivating symmetries of spatial information flows around an antenna evoke a dance of shapes and patterns, reminiscent of the mesmerizing works of M.C. Escher. One can only imagine the masterpieces this great artist might have created had he witnessed these intricate forms

Intervista a RAI TG2 weekend, 14 Gennaio 2023
A short tour in the Deep Physical Layer
(from the paper "The World Beneath the Physical Layer. An Introduction to the Deep Physical Layer", IEEE Access, 2021)
MIMO channels in RIS supported connections
What are the potentialities of RIS (Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces) supported communication systems in terms of available MIMO communication channels? In this video, a simple explanation using a graphical representation based on the concept of spatial communication flows is presented.
This video offers an initial glimpse into the incredible potential of signal transmission by manipulating the electromagnetic field through the principles of both classical and quantum physics, showcasing the remarkable opportunities that lie ahead.
(from the paper IEEE Access paper "Classical and Quantum Processing in the Deep Physical Layer", IEEE Xplore, 2023)
How Information Flows Arise in the Deep Physical Layer
In this video MIMO communication systems are discussed from an unusual point of view: the point of view of the electric charges. This unusual perspective allows a surprisingly simple explanation of the mechanism that limits the spatial multiplexing capability of wireless communication systems.
A quick look at the electromagnetic field processing at the Deep Physical Layer level
An Introduction to Electromagnetics and Information
Come Misurare il livello del segnale 5G - How to mesure the field level of 5G signals
Lingua italiana/sottotitoli in inglese - Italian language/English subtitles
More information on the paper "A New Paradigm in 5G Maximum Power Extrapolation for Human Exposure Assessment: Forcing gNB Traffic Toward the Measurement Equipment "
In questo video sono descritti i risultati delle misure eseguite su una stazione radio base 5G commerciale operante nella banda delle onda millimetrica (English subtitles).
An Introduction to the spatial bandwidth of the electromagnetic field
This video introduces the spatial bandwidth of the electromagnetic field and its applications in the analysis of 6G solutions at the Deep Physical Layer level. The video is taken from an USRI-GASS 2021 Conference presentation.
Horse, horseman and wireless communication
... blending information and electromagnetic theory
Just as the horse determines the final limitations in ancient mail-delivery communication systems, so the electromagnetic theory limits the amount of information reliably transmitted in modern wireless communication systems. As good as the horseman is, he will not be able to find any way to force the horse to bring too a heavy bag. In the same way, no mathematical trick is able to bend the physical laws governing the electromagnetic field.
Divulgazione scientifica (in italiano)
5G superfacile: le antenne 5G
5G superfacile: i limiti di esposizione
5G Superfacile: Distanza tra le antenne delle stazioni radio base e inquinamento elettromagnetico
5G Superfacile - La velocità del 5G
5G Superfacile - Gli effetti non termici delle microonde

Intervento nell'ambito dell'incontro organizzato dal Rotari Distretto 2032, Settembre 2023.

Video dall'intervento tenuto nell'ambito dell'evento 5G Italy 2022
Intervista sul ruolo del 5G in Industria 5.0, ITIS Majorana di Cassino, 18 Gennaio 2023
Come misurare il livello di campo irradiato dai sistemi 5G. Una lezione per il 6G?
Il video è la registrazione della plenary talk sulle misure di campo irradiato dai sistemi 5G tenuta alla Conferenza ICEmB 2022.
Marco Donald Migliore
University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Information and Eledia@UniCAS, CNIT, Icemb, SieEm. e-mail mdmiglio@unicas.it