Outstanding Master's Thesis Award Competition
Deadline for Applications: TBD
For more information, please contact Julie Green
Instructions for Nominations: To be considered, applicants must have completed their master’s degree requirements and thesis during the period between Fall 2023 through Summer 2025, inclusive. The Graduate School will verify eligibility.
The Master’s Thesis Award winners are selected on the basis of clarity of style and presentation, scholarship, research methodology, and contributions to the field or discipline.
2026 Award Categories
Life Sciences(1 award)
Social Sciences, Business, and Education (1 award).
Non-traditional Thesis/ Project Award (1 award).
Evaluation Process
Each submission will be reviewed and evaluated on the basis of clarity of style and presentation, scholarship, research methodology, and contributions to the field or discipline.
Application Materials:
A synopsis of the thesis (500 word maximum) outlining its context within the broader field, as well as how the completed research contributes to the discipline; prepared by the nominee;
An abbreviated resume or CV for the nominee (2 page maximum, prepared by the nominee);
A web link to the thesis or an electronic copy submitted by e-mail;
A letter of support/endorsement from the major professor focused on the criteria by which the committee will evaluate the submitted theses. These consist of: clarity of style and presentation, scholarship, research methodology, and contributions to the field or discipline
The thesis or capstone/final research-oriented project was approved in partial fulfillment of requirements for the master’s degree and that the student completed the master’s degree within the past two academic years and/or summer sessions (Fall 2023 through Summer 2025).
The winners will receive $500 and an engraved plaque.
Deadline: TBD
Please Note: Materials must be compiled as a single PDF and named as follows: ThesisAward_Category_LastName_FirstName_Institution.pdf and emailed to Julie Green at jhgreen@charlotte.edu.
The winners will be submitted to the regional CSGS Master’s Thesis Award competition based on their submission where they are eligible to win a honorarium of $1,000 award and award plaque. The award ceremony will take place at the annual meeting to be held in 2026.
For more information, please contact jhgreen@charlotte.edu.