Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award

** The nomination window for the 2024-2025 Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Awards has closed**

Contact: Laura Pagani

The Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award recognizes students who are nominated by their faculty supervisors for their work as teaching assistants.  Two awards are presented: One award recognizes Teaching Assistants who have served as Instructors of Record for a minimum of one prior semester.  This award category recognizes graduate students performing all the responsibilities of a stand-alone Instructor fully in charge of the course.  One award recognizes Teaching Assistants who have performed the range of TA responsibilities in assistance to a faculty member, including running lab sessions, but who have never served as stand-alone Instructors of Record.

A monetary award is given along with engraved plaque.

Nominations Process:

It is the nominee’s responsibility to collect all the items listed above except for their letter of recommendation. The author of the letter should email it directly to Daniel.Jones@uncc.edu.  All the items listed above comprise the complete application package.  The complete application package must be submitted as one PDF file containing all necessary documents (except for the recommendation letter).


Important dates: