Selecting Coursework
Below is information regarding different methods students can use to select coursework.

ECE Coursework by Area

ECE faculty have put together this document so students can see coursework offered in each of our focus areas.

In the course catalog link above, you can see all EE and non-EE coursework that can be used towards our MS or PhD. This is a helpful resource when students are trying to understand which courses are available through our department and college.

TwoStop was developed by faculty in our college to be able to search coursework more easily than in OneStop. TwoStop pulls the course information from OneStop to allow students to more quickly be able to search all classes offered by a specific department for each semester. You can also see the course offerings from past semesters if you're trying to predict when a course will be offered again.

The Office of Measurement Services shares SRT results for all coursework. You can see this information here.

OneStop class search is the official tool to see course offerings. If you'd like to use OneStop to see all the courses offered by a department for a given semester, below is a trick for how you can search for that information.