Campus Safety

624-WALK Service

The 624-WALK service provides free walking and biking security escorts to and from campus locations and nearby adjacent neighborhoods for all students, staff, faculty and visitors.

To request a safe walk from a trained student security monitor, please call 612-624-WALK (9255), or 4-WALK from any campus phone, shortly before your desired departure time.

Request By Phone: Call 624-WALK (612-624-9255)

Request online:

Rave Guardian Campus Safety App

The University of Minnesota is implementing the Rave Guardian Campus Safety App as part of its campus safety initiative. This app provides the ‘virtual escort’ recommended by Dr. Cedric Alexander in his Twin Cities campus public safety report completed in January 2021.

Once you register and create a user profile, you may request a virtual escort by selecting the ‘Virtual Escort’ button, entering the location where you’re going and the time it will take to get to your destination. You can invite friends and family to be your "Social Guardian,” so they can monitor you along the way.