
Please feel free to access my publications and other resources to support equitable education.

How do we do this work? We leverage a variety of approaches and methods, including applying quantitative methods to largescale data, policy analysis, systematic review, experimental design, and narrative/conceptual scholarship. We increasingly draw on diverse theoretical and conceptual foundations ranging from the ecological model, critical race theory, DisCrit, QuantCrit, and more. We are also committed to translating this work into resources accessible to practitioners and families, such as briefs and tools through the Great Lakes Equity Center and publications in the NASP Communiqué. Learn about research team members here. Recent publications include (*student co-authors):

  • Arora, P., Sullivan, A. L., & Song, S. (in press). On the imperative for reflexivity in school psychology scholarship. School Psychology Review.

  • Sullivan, A. L. (2022). Overcoming disaster through critical consciousness and ideological change. School Psychology Review, 51(6). 676-691.

  • Sullivan, A. L., Harris, B., Miller, F. G., Fallon, L. M., *Weeks, M. R., Malone, C. M., *Kulkarni, T., Proctor, S. L., Johnson, A. H., Rossen, E., *Nguyen, T., & *Shaver, E. (2021). A call to action for school psychology to address COVID-19 health disparities and advance social justice. School Psychology, 36(5), 410-421.

  • Sullivan, A. L., *Kulkarni, T., & Chhuon, V. (2020). Making visible the invisible: Multi-study investigation of disproportionate special education identification of U.S. Asian American and Pacific Islander students. Exceptional Children, 86(4), 449-467.

  • Sullivan, A. L., *Weeks, M., *Kulkarni, T., *Nguyen, T., *Kendrick-Dunn, T. B., & Barrett, C. (2020). Historical foundations of health disparities: A primer for school psychologists to advance social justice. NASP Communiqué, 49(2), 1, 30-32.

  • Sullivan, A. L., Miller, F. G., *McKevett, N. M., *Muldrew, A., Hansen-Burke, A., & *Weeks, M. (2020). Leveraging MTSS to advance, not suppress, COVID-related equity issues. NASP Communiqué, 49(1), 1, 28-29.

  • Sullivan, A. L., *Sadeh, S., & *Houri, A. (2019). Are school psychologists’ decisions reliable and unbiased? A multi-study experimental investigation. Journal of School Psychology, 77, 90-109.

  • Sullivan, A. L., & *Osher, D. (2019). IDEA’s double bind: A synthesis of disproportionality policy interpretations. Exceptional Children, 85(4), 395-412.

What are we working on now? We are engaged in a range of projects including exploring conceptualization of social justice and anti-racism related to COVID-19, special education policy and case law analyses, disproportionality in special education, and conceptualization of equity-centered MTSS.