Educational Equity

Overview of the Goal:

The goal of educational equity for the youth of the Dayton area is to provide equal opportunity for each pupil to have access to resources and a quality education. This will be achieved by the following proposed solutions: Quality teachers and staffing, reducing absenteeism, and education and resources in education after COVID-19.   `

Educational Equity should be both "universal and personalized to promote successful student learning for the entire classroom using tailored support" (Mahowald, 2023). However, that looks, more importance needs to be placed on closing the Achievement Gap, the fact that children who start behind stay behind as a result of systematic inequalities, to provide the best possible education to Dayton's youth.

Ohio Department of Education and Workforce's Definition of Equity in Education

Achievement of the Goal:

Achievement of this goal would allow students to have access to the resources they need to obtain a quality education no matter the inequality they currently face.

For school systems to understand this equity work, historic inequalities and the education system background with bias and discrimination have to be acknowledged and studied before any major changes can be made. 

Ohio's #EachChildOurFuture plan (2018-2024) was a response to the rapidly changing student body with differing levels of learning, teachers in high demand, and new skill expectations, as well as the increase in poverty and social outcomes of students. While this plan outlined spectacular plans for Ohio's education system, it did not account for the pandemic to hit, setting so many of their previous strategies and goals far behind the starting block. For more information on Ohio's #EachChildOurFuture plan go to

A revision and a new structure to Ohio's Department of Education's plan would be a good place to start in working toward achieving this goal, here are our proposed solutions:

Proposed Solutions for Educational Equity

Quality Teachers and Staffing

Problem: Most highly qualified teachers avoid working at schools in areas where funding and pay are low. They are also leaving due to a lack of respect within their work environment


Reduce Absenteeism 

Problem: Absenteeism rate is higher than normal in Dayton High Schools due to students working to provide another income for their family, AND high schoolers are not provided with a school bus, only the RTA.


Education and Resources after COVID-19

Problem: After COVID-19, students have not been able to pick up course material as quickly as before and are falling behind, resulting in less motivation in class, which follows them until graduation. This all relates back to the achievement gap which has increased since COVID-19.


Barriers to the Goal of Educational Equity: What could stop these solutions from being implemented successfully?

Quality Teachers and Staffing

Reduce Absenteeism

Education and Resources after COVID-19


Working Towards Our Goal in Dayton 

Kids in Need Foundation

The Kids in Need Foundation focuses on providing schools, teachers, and students with essential school supplies. They offer a variety of different programs including

Here is a quote from their website discussing their initiative, "School supplies and resources matter because they represent belonging and ownership of a student's education and a teacher's career. They empower underestimated students to recognize that they have choices and to make choices for themselves and their futures. For teachers facing rooms full of students struggling to break the cycle of poverty, supplies level the playing field so all students are prepared to learn when the bell rings".

To learn more visit

First Student 

First Student is a transportation provider that partners with school districts to ensure reliable transportation for every student. Some of their services include

Safety Dog 

First Students safety mascot that teaches kids about the importance of school bus safety. Schools can plan events with Safety Dog where students will sign a school bus safety pledge, get a picture with Safety Dog, and “Walk the Yellow Carpet”. This also allows parents to see firsthand how First Student buses are designed for the safety of all students. 

To learn more visit

Kids in New Directions

Kids in New Directions is a free inner-city youth organization in Dayton that provides an after-school program, a summer program, a mentoring program, a neighborhood improvement program, and a family support program. KIND helps students thrive while also closing the achievement gap. Some of their services include

Here is a quote from their website discussing their initiative, “Each day at KIND offers something new and exciting. Whether it's help with academic classes, a chance to be creative in art, serving the community, or adding to their life skills, our kids are always learning… Our programs focus on the whole child - mind, body, and soul - and your donations remove the potential barriers of price, transportation, and food, making that support accessible to every child”.

To learn more visit

Works Cited

For more information on Staffing levels:

For more information on Absenteeism:

For more information on COVID-19 and Resources: