Celebrating Diversity


What is diversity?

"It is the range of human differences, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, social class, physical ability or attributes, religious or ethical values system, national origin, and political beliefs." (Ferris State Uni)

How diverse is Dayton?

Why does this matter?

Dayton's immigration program

Why does this matter?


Ohio doesn’t have a state-wide law that protects LGBTQ people from discrimination and means many can be fired from their job, denied hosing and even asked to leave a public facility or denied access to appropriate restrooms.


Dayton stands in top 10 for national ranking, best places to work for women in 2023.


Dayton has one of the highest poverty rates in the nation

Why should we celebrate diversity?

Our goals

To bring awareness to people's identity and celebrating differences especially in the workplace, community and schools. 

Proposed Solutions

Celebrating diversity in your everyday life is crucial for the overall amelioration of public life. As a leader, educator, parent, and/or member of your community, there are questions to consider when wanting to better the current status of individual diversity efforts. Here are some examples:

Diversity in the Workplace

Maintaining a workplace of people with varying backgrounds, perspectives, skills, and lifestyles with an equal opportunity for all. 

Questions to Consider: 

What is the current demographic makeup of your workforce? 

Why is diversity important to your organization? 

How can you ensure fair and unbiased hiring practices? 

What steps are being taken to ensure pay equity? 

How does the organization handle diversity-related conflicts?

Diversity in the Community

Working together to ensure inclusion within public life and celebrate cultural differences. 

Questions to Consider: 

What is the demographic makeup of the community? 

Is there an awareness of the unique challenges faced by different groups within the community? 

Are there cultural events or celebrations that can be supported? 

How accessible are your services to diverse populations? 

What partnerships can be formed with local community organizations?

 Diversity in Schools

Helping students learn about diversity and to respect each other no matter race, culture, ethnic orientation, etc. 

Questions to Consider: 

What is the current demographic makeup of the student body and staff? 

How can the curriculum reflect and embrace diverse perspectives? 

How can you create a safe and inclusive space for students of all backgrounds? 

Are there student organizations or clubs that celebrate diversity? 

What steps are taken to address bullying or discrimination based on diversity?

Current Activities in Dayton 

Making sure your community/institution is a model of inclusion with equal opportunity can be difficult to ensure.  After considering the questions above, check out some recent efforts to celebrate diversity in Dayton. Take these efforts into consideration and assess how your institution can mirror these collective affirmative actions as well as elaborate on their successes.

Within the workplace

Company culture event calendar = Hosting events that CELEBRATE diversity and promote inclusion. 

Diversity education and resource groups = Establish employee resource groups that provide support and networking opportunities for underrepresented employees. 

E.G.: Cultural festivals, guest speakers and workshops. 

Fuyao Glass America = A Chinese company implementing both Chinese and American workers to work together despite cultural differences.

University of Dayton = Office of Diversity and Inclusion provides support for strategies to improve work on diversity, equity and inclusion. 

Within the community 

There are so many examples of organizations within the Dayton community that strive to encourage diversity and inclusivity. These organizations openly celebrate diversity by making it easier for wide ranges of people to have access to information and experiences that will teach them more about the world around them. These organizations strive to get everyone in the community involved, not discriminating against and/or excluding people due to their class, age, gender, sexuality, disabilities, race, etc. We have listed a few notable organizations in Dayton, Ohio below...

Welcome Dayton https://www.daytonohio.gov/998/Welcome-Dayton 

The initiative states its mission as "supporting integration of immigrants into the Dayton community by encouraging business and economic development, providing access to education, government, health and social services, ensuring equity in the justice system, and promoting arts and culture." 

The Dayton Art Institute  https://www.daytonartinstitute.org/

They host art exhibitions that celebrate different cultures. A few of these exhibitions include Around Tokyo: Hiroshige II's Views of Famous Places in Edo and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec: The Birth of Modern Paris.

Levitt Pavilion  https://levittdayton.org/

They host a variety of events that help celebrate diversity such as Black History Month Celebrations, Friendship Celebrations, Anti-Bullying nights, and so much more. They also offer free admission nights, which encourages participation from lower income community members that may not be able to afford tickets to other community events. In addition to all of that, they have an easy to use website with accessibility adaptations available for those with certain disabilities and language barriers.

Dayton Performing Arts Alliance https://daytonperformingarts.org/

They host a variety of events including A Drag Queen Christmas, Shen Yun Performing Arts, and many more. They also offer tickets to sensory friendly versions for some of their productions.

Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church  https://www.daytongreekfestival.com/?fbclid=IwAR1_BS2lk9YeUjlrBhP2iwo2t2XNpqnQ9miz90uQ-PgJ1xJPurzibp0RBo4

They are very involved in the community, particularly with their hosting of the annual Greek Festival.

Dayton Liederkranz-Turner https://daytongermanclub.org/

They host many German themed events in the Dayton community, such as the Germanfest Picnic, Christkindlmarkt, St. Martin's Day celebrations, German Dance lessons, and much more.

The Greater Dayton LGBT Center   https://www.daytonlgbtcenter.org/

They provide "event spaces, activities, and resources that encourage advocacy, education, and entertainment" for the LGBTQIA+ community. One of the biggest events that they host to help celebrate diversity in Dayton is the annual Pride Parade.

Within the schools 

University of Dayton

Dayton Public Schools 

What can we continue to do to CELEBRATE DIVERSITY?
