GAIN - Genentech- Foundation sponsored Academic Inspiration Network

GAIN supports and funds UCSC postdocs who aim to broaden their mentoring experience.

2022 Program overview (UCSC postdocs)

Focus of the GAIN program is research in biomedical-related fields

Spring semester (April, May): GAIN Postdoctoral Fellows will work with CSUMB faculty to mentor CSUMB undergraduate students taking biology classes

Summer (June, July): GAIN Postdoctoral Fellows will each host 2 CSUMB undergraduate students in their labs

Funding details: GAIN will pay $1,226/month toward three postdocs’ salaries* (and pro-rated benefits) for 4 months. GAIN will supply $2000 per CSUMB student towards laboratory material and undergraduate students will receive a stipend to work in the laboratory for June and July.

*If salary support is not compatible with the postdoc's current funding, GAIN funds may be used for the postdoc's other expenses, such as research supplies, instead.

Postdoc application

Eligibility: Per Genentech Foundation guidelines, the proposed research must fall into the general area of biomedical research.

(Postdocs who are already in a program that focuses on mentoring training (for example IRACDA) should not apply to this program)

Please send a brief (max. 1 page) personal statement about your motivation to participate in this program. Please include what type of research the CSUMB students would participate in during the summer. Please have your advisor also send an email to the program director ( confirming their consent to your participation in this program. Each of the 4 years we can accept 3 postdocs into the program. Selection will be based on your personal statement. Postdocs can apply for multiple years if they are

The next application deadline will be in Nov 2022. Details will be posted here in fall 2022.

Program details

Each UCSC postdoc will mentor four undergraduate students during the CSUMB spring semester (March, April, May) and two students during 2 months of summer research. CSUMB professors will work with the postdocs to optimize student mentoring before and during the mentoring period. The postdoc's time commitment is estimated to be 10 hours/week during that time.

During the spring semester, each postdoc and their students will meet weekly as a group (by phone or Zoom). Postdocs will also give students the opportunity to meet privately if individual questions arise or if a student has scheduling conflicts. GAIN postdocs will engage their mentees in conversations about 1) class material, 2) how the class material relates to planned summer research projects, and 3) questions relating to graduate school, career planning, and personal experiences in academia. Postdoc mentors meet regularly with the accompanying CSUMB professor. Mentors may attend the CSUMB class (remotely or in person).

In summer (starting 2022), CSUMB students will work in UCSC labs during June and July.

CSUMB students: Selected mentees will largely be those who are typically underrepresented in STEM research. In addition to CSUMB student stipends, GAIN funds the purchase of computer tablets and mobile data plans for those CUSMB students who experience technical limitations in communicating with their professors and mentors. More information and application forms for CSUMB students are here.

Contact: For further questions, please send an email to the IBSC (

Mentor training: We encourage all postdocs, especially those who are interested in joining GAIN in later years, to participate in the new 6-day CITL summer workshop on mentoring skills for postdocs.


GAIN Foundation award G-89316