Family Science Weekend

The Idea

Graduate students embark on additional education after college graduation, conduct captivating research and engage in teaching/mentoring, but postpone their entry into "regular" jobs. Graduate students, like everyone else, rely on their family for support (emotional and otherwise). For some families, especially those who did not pursue a graduate career, relating to the graduate student endeavor may be easier after visiting the research environment and meeting "their" student's colleagues and advisors.

The Doctoral Diversity Initiative (DDI) Family Science weekend, sponsored by HHMI, will allow 10 graduate students to invite 2 people each for a "show and tell" weekend at UCSC.

Date: The 2022 Family Science family visit starts on Friday, Aug 19 and ends on Sunday, Aug 21; all program activities will take place on Saturday, August 20 (see detailed tentative scheduled below).

Application deadline: Spring 2023 (details below)

Program support:

  • Travel funds for national travel for up to two family members (support for international travel will be evaluated on an individual basis and depend on the cost)

  • Accommodation for two guests (1 double-occupancy room)

  • Meals and transportation during the Family Science Weekend activities

GSR stipend (summer) to help set up the Family Science Weekend

Two Graduate Students who participate in Family Science weekend can receive a GSR stipend in the summer to help set up the weekend.

If you would like to be considered, please indicate so on your family weekend application (below).

Tentative Schedule for the 2022 Family Science Weekend

Friday, August 19:

  • Families arrive and move into Hotel/UCSC downtown accommodation

  • Dinner downtown, sponsored by program "downtown dollars"

Saturday, August 20:

Shuttle from accommodation to UCSC campus

  • Breakfast (as a group on science hill)

  • Lay-audience science presentations by hosting graduate students - short talks and posters. We will work on details after we learn about the invited families' language requirements etc.

  • Lunch (as a group on science hill)

  • Lab/campus tour (self-guided by hosting graduate students with their guests)

  • "Career talks" about life in academia by UCSC professors

  • Dinner (as a group downtown)

Sunday, August 21:

  • Breakfast sponsored by program "downtown dollars"

  • Departure according to individual schedules

Application for Family Science Weekend

Next application deadline: Spring 2023

This program is sponsored by the UC-HSI-Doctoral Diversity Program and the HHMI Gilliam Program with support from UCSC (the IBSC, PBSci, SOE, and the Division of Graduate Studies)