Waste / Recycling

Reducing waste when buying:

Collating sustainable, ethical and plastic-free brands and products.

Reusable packaging products, some of which can be send back and refilled.

Buying from smaller producers or second hand:

For more ideas related to food waste visit: Groceries and Take away food


Broad information to help navigate everyday recycling:

Websites that help you find local recycling points, what you can recycle at home and ways to recycle 'unrecyclable' packaging:

Find out what you can recycle at home and your area or find nearby recycling points for other objects.

Just search what you want to recycle and your postcode.

Helps recycle harder to recycle items - some with drop off points but others can be sent off for free.

More specific - recycling and reusing books

(take a book and share a book)

More solutions to waste can be found on the FOOD section