Cleaning & Housekeeping

Mr Ureta and his Housekeeping department have been putting place many sustainability initiatives that may have missed your attention but are no less impactful:

  • The cardboard bailer. It was the very first green initiative within the cleaning department.. Apart from the recycling itself, the savings that brought alone provided the financial means to buy the new bins for the school.

  • Reduction of single use plastic. Before switching to sachets ( we were disposing, literally, hundreds of plastic bottles per month. We could not replace all the products but we managed to replace most of them with multi-use fluid resepticales .

  • Reduction of the number of cleaning products. Probably as much important as reducing single use plastic. Cleaning products went down from 70-80 different products to below 30.

  • Eco-gloves. The new gloves degrades 82% within 90 days (as opposed to the typical vinyl ones that take hundreds of years)

  • Eco-toilet paper. 100% plastic free. 100% recycled and biodegradable (we have not started yet, still using the old ones but they will be on my next order)