
Biodiversity Updates

(Last updated 01 Feb 2023)

Current biodiversity projects

The Biodiversity group are currently working hard converting an overgrown area of the school into a new butterfly garden (which will be known as the Memorial Biodiversity Garden). More information on this be available soon.

The allotment groups are also meeting on Tuesday lunchtimes up at the allotment. We are growing lots of vegetables and wildflowers!! It is a very busy time of the year up at the allotment so do please come up and get stuck in!

In the meantime, please contact Ms Anthony if you have any questions or would like to get involved with this fantastic project - the more people involved the better!

The action plan has been completed and can be seen below.

Biodiversity and rewilding proposal plan


An area near to the War Memorial, provisional named ‘The Memorial Garden’ has been identified to rewild. This 5m by 40m stretch will be planted as a wildflower meadow with a wide variety of local species to provide a focal point for the community to enjoy, to promote biodiversity and to provide an educational area for Biology. The bees would be relocated to this area and DT will (if able with staffing) create a bee viewing area and butterfly house to feature in the garden as an educational piece.

The area would be visited by groups specifically learning about biodiversity and we would be able to accommodate groups from neighbouring schools and the local community. We envisage this area becoming a showcase wildlife area that leads the way for other schools and community groups to follow.

In February we also had a brilliant talk delivered by Duncan Grossart on rewilding and why it matters. There were so many amazing examples of how important ecosystems and the relations between different species are for the wider health of the Biomes!

Biodiversity Action Plan