Deadlines & Production Schedule


There is one deadline to note in the Calendar Production Cycle: 

ALL course, program, and regulation changes must have final approval from the appropriate governing body before the end of January (for the Calendar being published that year; ie. January 2025 for the 25-26 Calendar).

What happens if I miss this deadline?

For program and regulation changes:

Production Schedule for the 2025-2026 Calendar


April  -  Calendar Draft is created and made available to campus stakeholdersFaculties are encouraged to review the draft throughout the production period, but should check the Tracking Sheet to see when a change has been entered into the draft.  Revisions begin based on approved motions from the U of A Governance website.


January - Deadline for ALL course, program and regulation changes to receive final approval from the appropriate governing bodies (i.e., PC/GFC/GFC Executive/BLRSEC/BoG, IAE or CAQC) to ensure inclusion in the Calendar when it is published.

February 1 - FINAL REVIEW PERIOD.   By this date, the draft Calendar should include all changes approved up to the end of January.

February 12 - FINAL EDITS DUE. All errors, omissions, and editorial changes must be submitted by this date to ensure they are reflected in the Calendar when it is published.

March 3 (next business day since Mar. 1 is a weekend) - ONLINE CALENDAR is posted live.

Links to Other Schedules