Track Changes in Word

Please note:

1) This is part of the new submission formats for Calendar edits that is being piloted for the Governance cycle in Fall 2020 and Winter 2021. After this pilot period, the Calendar community and Governance teams will review these formats to determine whether it can be used going forward.

2) After review by a project team during Fall 2021 and Winter 2022, it was determined that governance committees prefer the two-column comparative table format. The project team is proposing that starting Fall 2022, track changes format will no longer be supported.

Track changes can be used to indicate changes to the text in a document.

If using the track changes method, we request that this be done in Microsoft Word, as this allows us to manipulate the editing notation in a number of different ways, and will also allow the editing notation to be saved as part of a PDF (as opposed to using the Suggested Changes functionality in Google Docs which cannot be exported as part of a PDF).

Here, we refer to track changes as the part of the change proposal that is directly involved in editing of Calendar text.

How to do Track Changes for Calendar revisions in Word

  • Open a new Word document.

  • Copy & paste the Calendar text that you would like to change.

    • Suggestion 1: take the text from the DRAFT Calendar as the recently approved document

    • Suggestion 2: the Calendar Production team can do an export of your Calendar section, which already puts the Calendar text into a Word document. This results in less formatting issues when doing the actual editing.

  • In Word's top navigation bar, go the Review menu. Then select Track Changes.

  • With Track Changes active, any change you make to the text in the document will be notated.

  • How these notations are displayed depend on your Display for Review and Show Markup Setting (normally: all changes will be in red, deletions with be in strike-through font). You can change these settings to review the original text, the text with full markup, or the text as proposed with no markup.

  • When you are done editing Calendar text, turn off Track Changes. This will allow you to enter other text (ie. rationale, approval information, etc.) without tracking those changes.

How to put a Track Changes edit into a full submission package

In the past, faculties have submitted changes using a variety of formats and documents. Some faculties have used a simple change submission document which includes only the basic information such as: name of faculty, year of Calendar being edited, and when the change was approved (via Faculty Council or delegate). Other faculties have used a more complex document which also helps them move these changes through internal approvals. These complex documents often included fields such as: internal faculty deadlines, types of change being requested, rationale for the changes, department/delegate/dean contact information and approvals, etc.

For the 2020-2021 Academic Year, during the pilot phase of these new changes, faculties are welcome to incorporate Track Changes formatting into any change submission document that they are currently using.

For faculties that already have a clear Calendar change form

  • Your current form should still work as long as Calendar changes are clearly marked so that they are identifiable even if buried among other forms and support documents

  • In this case, you would just replace your two-column table for a track changes section

For faculties that are looking for a common form to use for track changes

  • The Office of the Registrar has developed a change submission form that faculties are welcome to use. The form denotes which fields are mandatory, and which can be omitted or deleted. Faculties are also welcome to add additional fields if it would make the form easier to use internally.