Digital Citizenship

project reflection

I thought this project would be a good use of Nearpod. I think very highly of the tool and find it a great way to present information to students while also providing engagement and feedback. I think it is beneficial to allow students choice so I included the self-paced option.

Digital citizenship is an ongoing topic that should be addressed daily. We all have an obligation to stay be positive digital citizens. Teachers must lead by example. I think many struggle with how to do so.

Nearpod self-paced lesson

These activities are for students in grades 2-5. Teachers have the option of presenting this activity with students or allowing students to complete it at their own pace (self-paced). Topics include: digital communication, cyberbullying, digital security, and digital etiquette. Activities include a flipgrid, an open-ended question, a 5-question quiz, and a reflection. Nearpod will generate a report of each students' responses, which will determine their understanding of each topic.