Professional School Counseling

Please complete and submit the form below should you wish to make an appointment to see Mrs. McBroom.

Academic Counseling

High school students and their parents are encouraged to talk with a professional school counselor, teacher, or principal to learn more about course offerings, graduation requirements, and early graduation procedures. Each year, high school students will be provided information on anticipated course offerings for the next school year and other information that will help them make the most of academic and Career and Technical Education (CTE) opportunities, as well as information on the importance of post-secondary education. The school counselor can also provide information about entrance exams and application deadlines, as well as information about automatic admission, financial aid, housing, and scholarships as these relate to state colleges and universities. Information about workforce opportunities after graduation or technical and trade school opportunities, including opportunities to earn industry-recognized certificates and licenses is also available through the school counselor .

Personal Counseling

The professional school counselor is available to assist students with a wide range of personal concerns, including social, family, emotional or mental health issues, or substance abuse. A student who wishes to meet with the school counselor should arrange an appointment through the counselor’s office. As a parent, if you are concerned about your child’s mental or emotional health, please speak with the school counselor for a list of resources that may be of assistance.