Stuffed Peppers

Stuffed Peppers

by, Justin F

This is a recipe from my Grandma, which was passed down to her by her mother. As a child, my Grandma grew up poor and did not have much money. Fast food was then just starting to have a name for its self. So, my Great Grandma had to feed four mouths and needed an affordable meal. So she came up with Stuffed Peppers.


How ever many medium green bell peppers you want

1lb ground beef

1 can tomato soup

1tsp Italian seasoning

1 chopped fresh onion

1 cup rice (instant or regular)

red pepper flakes

cheese of your choice

How to make

1) Brown the ground beef and drain fat.

2) Add Italian seasoning, red pepper flakes, fresh onion chopped, and tomato soup to the ground beef once browned.

3) Let simmer.

4) Cook rice according to the instruction it gives.

5) Once the rice is ready cut the green peppers in half.

6) Remove all seeds from the peppers.

7) Add the rice to the beef mixture.

8) Put the mixture in your peppers.

9) Add cheese to the mixture and bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.