Project Based Learning (PBL)

The basics of this teaching model is to give the students a project to do the learning and also it will be used to assess their understanding of the standard. When done correctly the research shows it leads to student driven learning. When the students are driving their own learning the information tends to stick in the long term memory where it can be recalled and used later if need be. PBL is more aligned with what professionals actually do on a daily basis in their careers. It lends really well to the idea of doing to learn instead of the standard model. The standard model of teaching is learn then test. This process is important because it is the framework for almost all academic work in the world. It is really important when the stakes get higher and more relevant like in college or professional licenses. Since I teach secondary age students I find PBL to be the best approach for the current NGSS standards.

How is it used in this class?

  • Students will be given a performance assessment, the project, after the introduction of the standard. The performance assessment could have multiple formats. Those formats mostly include a CER, a model, a design solution, an investigation, or a research project. Once the students see the project they will realize that they will need to learn about the material as they complete the project. This is my favorite aspect! The learning is driven from trying to complete the project instead of because somebody told them they needed to do it. As they complete the assignments I will notice learning deficiencies on an individual or group level. I will address those deficiencies as needed instead of taking multiple classes to cover the material. The projects are a work in progress even after the final due date. This allows students to continue to show their learning and understanding even after the whole class has moved on.

  • Students will be making a science artifact that combines all of the performance assessments into a summative assessment, a project. The science artifacts could be a science journal article, lecture and presentation, digital infographic or hyperdoc, poster or trifold, website, or informational video These are taking all of the performance assessment projects in combing them together into a bigger project to connect their shared CCC or unit topic. The work for these projects will be throughout the entire unit and will be done at the end of each performance assessment. This work can be in found in Student Work.