NEWS 最近のお知らせ

The Short-Term Overseas Invitation Professor System: Prof. Miklos Vasarhelyi

The Graduate School of Information Sciences and Arts invited Prof. Miklos Vasarhelyi, a professor at Rutgers Business School and a world authority on Emerging Technologies in Accounting and Auditing, to Japan from the United States from the 19th of May to the 28th of May, 2024. Prof. Masafumi Nakano was in charge of the invitation.

During the period of the invitation, the students of the Graduate School and the Faculty of Information Sciences and Arts were invited to attend the special lectures "It's not intelligence, it's functionality" and "Rethinking Financial Reporting" given. More than 100 graduate and undergraduate students attended the lectures, and students and faculty members also participated in seminars and several research roundtables.

Prof. Miklos Vasarhelyi gave a very thought-provoking presentation on how the latest technology will transform the relationship between traditional financial reporting and the marketplace, and how AI, including Generative AI, will transform the world of accounting and auditing in the future. He not only carefully answered questions from students and graduate students, but also actively asked questions to get students interested in AI and ChatGPT, etc. His enthusiasm and love for his students were evident in his very informative lecture.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Prof. Miklos Vasarhelyi for providing us with meaningful insights into the research and educational activities of our university.

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