Outline of research advising

Hakusan Campus

Graduate School of Letters

■ Master's program

In principle, the research will be conducted based on the following advising.

  1. Content of research advising in each semester

1st semester

  • Students determine a research theme and receive advisement on their plan to take courses.

  • Students formulate a research proposal and learn research methodologies that are necessary for their research activities with regard to materials, surveys, and other matters.

  • Students receive advisement on how to review previous studies in research fields that are related to the questions and research theme they are addressing.

2nd semester

  • Students reconsider or revise their research proposal according to the progress in their efforts to implement the proposal.

  • Students make presentations on and discuss previous studies and research methodologies related to their research theme to improve their presentation and discussion skills, which are necessary for furthering their research.

  • Students consider the overall goal and structure of their master’s thesis.

3rd semester

  • Students prepare to present their research findings in an organized manner, while conducting surveys, analyses, etc. based on their determined research theme in order to check the appropriateness of their research methodologies. In addition, they make interim reports on their research project at research presentation sessions held by each course or on other occasions.

4th semester

  • Students develop their research findings into a master’s thesis and receive comprehensive advisement on the structure of the thesis, analysis results, expressions used in the thesis, etc..

  • Students enhance the accuracy of their research and complete their master’s thesis.

  1. Thesis presentation meetings (sessions), etc.

Students who wish to submit their master’s thesis in the relevant semester make presentations on the progress of their thesis writing and the achievements of their thesis at research report meetings or research presentation sessions held by each course or on other occasions.

Details about how to make presentations are given by each Course.

  1. Research paper

The Courses consisting of English Language and Literature, Education, and International Culture and Communication Studies allow students to submit a research paper on a specific subject instead of a master’s thesis. A research paper on a specific subject denotes a paper written based on practical surveys and research on a specific subject. Students who aim to submit a research paper on a specific subject must meet the following requirements in the process of submission.

Course of International Culture and Communication Studies

  1. Students determine a title and content of a research paper in consultation with their academic supervisors.

  2. Eligibility to submit a research paper on a specific subject requires students to accomplish practical achievements that contribute to enhancing the quality of education, including the development of curricula or educational materials, and reports on practical research, in the field of English education (in the case of students who aim to acquire a teaching certificate for master’s degree holders) or Japanese language education. Students who aim to advance to the Doctoral Program are not eligible to submit a research paper on a specific subject.

  3. Students who will submit a research paper on a specific subject must make reports at the master’s thesis interim report meeting and the master’s thesis achievement presentation session, just as other students do.

Graduate School of Business Administration

Master's program

  1. Content of research advising in each semester

1st semester

  • After their academic supervisors and co-supervisors are decided, students submit notification of the thesis title in consultation with their supervisors.

      • Students take courses taught by instructors in the fields that are related to their research theme, in consultation with their supervisors.

2nd semester

  • Students review the latest research trends in related fields and survey previous studies based on the questions that they are addressing.

3rd semester

  • Students may update the research title in consultation with their supervisors.

  • Students complete a review of previous studies and conduct field surveys and other necessary activities based on their determined research theme. They also present the research findings at the interim report meeting.

4th semester

  • Students decide the overall goal of their master’s thesis, and write the thesis in conformity with“ Notes on Master’s Thesis Writing” in the Academic Catalog for Graduate Schools.

  • Students enhance the integrity of their research by accumulating experience by making presentations at seminars, etc., and complete their master’s thesis.

  1. Outline of thesis presentation meetings (sessions) and the requirements for presentations

  • All academic supervisors and co-supervisors attend the interim report meeting (hereinafter, “the report meeting”), in principle.

  • The date, time and venue of the report meeting are announced by the Education Affairs Section for Graduate Schools at least 2 weeks before the date of the report meeting, in principle.

  • Attendees must follow the directions of the Course Chair or Dean, who presides over the report meeting.

  • Reporters must carry with them the necessary number of copies of the report summary to the report meeting and make an oral report including a Q & A session within about 30 minutes.

  • If at the report meeting, the supervisors recommend modification of the reported thesis, reporters must modify it by the date designated by the supervisors and submit it to the supervisors together with a table comparing the previous and modified versions.

  • The report meeting can be attended by master’s program students regardless of their year of study. Therefore, it is desirable for master’s program students other than reporters to attend the report meeting to listen to the reports on their own initiative.

  1. Research paper

The Concentration in SME Consultant Certification of the Course of Business, Accounting and Finance allows students to submit a research paper on a specific subject instead of a master’s thesis. A research paper on a specific subject denotes a paper written based on practical surveys and research on a specific subject.

Students who aim to submit a research paper on a specific subject must meet the following requirements in the process of submission.

  • If students aim to submit a research paper on a specific subject, they must decide to do so in consultation with their academic supervisors and co-supervisors at the time of enrollment, in principle.

  • The research paper on the specific subject must have 22,000 words or more in principle. However, this does not apply if there is the approval from their academic supervisor and co-supervisors.

  • Regarding the requirements for submitting a research paper on a specific subject, the style of the paper, and the deadline for submitting it, refer to p.28 and subsequent pages.

  • Students who aim to advance to the doctoral program must choose to submit a master’s thesis.

Graduate School of Economics

Course of Public–Private Partnership

Master's program

  1. Content of research advising in each semester(model case)

1st semester

  • Set a provisional research theme based on discussions with your academic supervisor and co-supervisors.

  • Receive advising on taking courses in accordance with your research theme, and develop fundamental skills to conduct research.

2nd semester

  • Receive advising on taking courses in accordance with your research theme, and develop fundamental skills to conduct research.

3rd semester

  • Create a research proposal through discussions with your academic supervisor and co-supervisors, and proceed with analysis and consideration.

4th semester

  • Proceed to write a thesis, making use of opportunities to participate in thesis presentation sessions.

  1. Outline of thesis presentation meetings (sessions) and the requirements for presentations

An interim presentation session is held immediately after the 4th semester starts.

The final presentation session is held before the end of the 4th semester.

The interim and final presentation sessions should be attended by not only instructors but also graduate school students, so that a wide range of opinions can be gathered.

Graduate School of Global and Regional Studies

Master's program

1.Content of research advising in each semester

Students are required to receive academic and research advising, making close contact with their academic supervisors. The content of advising in each semester is shown below.

1st semester

  • Students determine a research theme through discussion with their academic supervisors, and formulate a research plan.

  • Students take the necessary courses based on the academic advising.

2nd semester

  • Students discuss and determine their research plan and methods, and conduct research and surveys, receiving advising from their academic supervisors in line with the progress of their research.

  • Students take the necessary courses based on the academic advising.

3rd semester

  • Students conduct surveys and analysis, receiving advising from their academic supervisors in line with the progress of their research. They are encouraged to submit their research findings to an academic journal, the Graduate School Bulletin, and other journals.

  • Students take the necessary courses based on the academic advising.

4th semester

  • Students conduct additional surveys and research to enhance the completeness of their master’s thesis, and complete the thesis, receiving advising from their academic supervisors in line with the progress of their research. They are encouraged to submit their research findings to an academic journal, the Graduate School Bulletin, and other journals.

  • Students take the necessary courses based on the academic advising.

2.Outline of thesis presentation meetings (sessions) and the requirements for presentations

Course of Global Innovation Studies

In both the spring semester and fall semester, interim and term-end sessions will be held, attended by all students. All students are required to report on their research plans and progress, which will be used as milestones for research guidance as well as to manage the students' own progress in writing their dissertations. For details, please refer to the materials distributed by the department as appropriate.

 Course of Regional Development Studies

In both the spring semester and fall semester, interim and term-end sessions will be held, attended by all students. It is essential for all students to give a presentation on their research plan and the progress of their research at the sessions. In the master’s program, in particular, their performance at the sessions is largely reflected in their grades in Specialized Research of Regional Development Studies. For the details of presentation sessions, see materials distributed as by the course instructors accordingly.

3. Research paper

Students who have a full-time job are allowed to submit a research paper instead of a master’s degree thesis.

A research paper refers to a paper written based on practical surveys and research on a specific subject.

Relevant students need to meet the following requirements:

Course of Global Innovation Studies

  1. Conduct practical research directly connected to their praxis, such as designing and constructing a model for predicting future events.

  2. Fulfill the Course’s objective of developing next-generation leaders who can achieve innovation by newly combining existing bodies of knowledge from unprecedented, creative perspectives and by unique, original methods.

Course of Regional Development Studies (only for students enrolled in or before AY 2019)

  1. Give one or more oral presentations of their thesis at an academic conference,

  2. Publish one or more theses in a professional journal, and

  3. (Be expected to) Earn 32 or more credits for courses.

*Regarding 1 and 2, students must clarify which part of the thesis they have contributed to when submitting it.

Students who choose to submit a research paper must register it during the registration period of the semester in which they will submit the research paper after gaining approval from their academic supervisors.

■Doctoral program

1.Content of research advising in each semester

Students are required to receive academic and research advising, keeping close contact with their academic supervisors. The content of advising in each semester is shown below.

1st semester

  • Students determine a research theme through discussion with their academic supervisors, and formulate a necessary research plan, research methods and a survey plan for the research theme. Students take the necessary courses based on the academic advising.

2nd semester

  • Students discuss and determine their research plan and methods, and conduct surveys and research, taking into consideration the deadline for submitting their research findings to an academic journal, the Graduate School Bulletin, and other journals, while receiving advising from their academic supervisors in line with the progress of their research. Students take the necessary courses based on the academic advising.

3rd semester

  • Students discuss and determine their research plan and methods, and conduct surveys and research, taking into consideration the deadline for submitting their research findings to an academic journal, the Graduate School Bulletin, and other journals, while receiving advising from their academic supervisors in line with the progress of their research. Students take the necessary courses based on the academic advising.

4th semester

  • Students conduct surveys and analyze survey data to put together their research findings, receiving advising from their academic supervisors in line with the progress of their research. They are also encouraged to actively submit their papers to internal and external journals to satisfy completion requirements. Students take the necessary courses based on the academic advising.

5th semester

  • Students continue to conduct surveys and analyze survey data to put together their research findings, receiving advising from their academic supervisors in line with the progress of their research. They are also encouraged to actively submit their papers to internal and external journals. Students begin to write their doctoral thesis. Students take the necessary courses based on the academic advising.

6th semester

  • Students conduct a more accurate analysis to enhance the completeness of their doctoral thesis, and submit it. They also make necessary changes to their thesis to further enhance its completeness in preparation for a preliminary review and a public hearing. Students take the necessary courses based on the academic advising.

2.Outline of thesis presentation meetings (sessions) and the requirements for presentations

In both the spring semester and fall semester, interim and term-end sessions are held, which are attended by all students. All students are obliged to present their research plan and the progress of their research, so that their presentation will be used as a milestone for research advising and be used to manage the progress of writing their degree thesis. Since students are required to receive and answer questions about their research content from people other than their academic advisers at these sessions, they can develop their ability to answer questions asked from different perspectives. They are also expected to try to improve their thesis by learning the research content of other students. For the details of presentation sessions, see materials distributed as needed by the course instructors.

Graduate School of International Tourism Management

Master's program

  1. Content of research advising in each semester

Students are required to receive academic and research advising, making close contact with their academic supervisors. The content of advising in each semester is shown below. The information on research presentation sessions described below is provided for students enrolled in the spring semester. For students enrolled in the fall semester, refer to the session schedule described in the subsequent semester.

1st semester

  • Students determine their academic supervisors and co-supervisors, select a research theme, and formulate necessary survey and research methods and a research proposal based on the research theme.

  • Students take necessary courses based on the academic advising.

  • Students report the progress of their research at an interim presentation session (late May) and a term-end presentation session (late July).

2nd semester

  • Students mainly conduct surveys and research, receiving advising from their academic supervisors in line with the progress of their research.

  • Students take necessary courses based on the academic advising.

  • Students report the progress of their research at an interim presentation session (late November) and a term-end presentation session (late January).

3rd semester

  • Students analyze survey and research data to put together their research findings.

  • Students are encouraged to submit their research findings to an academic journal, the Graduate School Bulletin, and other journals.

  • Students take necessary courses based on the academic advising.

  • Students report the progress of their research at an interim presentation session (late May) and a term-end presentation session (late July).

4th semester

  • Students write their master’s thesis. In some cases, they conduct additional surveys and research. They are also encouraged to submit their research findings to an academic journal, the Graduate School Bulletin, and other journals.

  • Students take necessary courses based on the academic advising.

Students submit their master’s thesis (early January) and take an oral examination (late January). Those who have succeeded in completing the Master’s Program are announced in early February.

(For students enrolled in the fall semester: submission of a master’s thesis (early July), oral examination (late July), announcement of students who have completed the program (early September))

  1. Outline of thesis presentation meetings (sessions) and the requirements for presentations

Two research presentation sessions (interim and term-end sessions) are held in each semester to provide students with opportunities to pursue their studies and to interact with each other. Students are required to attend every session and report the progress and findings of their research in front of all faculty members.

For the details of presentation sessions, see materials distributed as needed by the course instructors.

  1. Research paper

Students who have a full-time job are allowed to submit a research paper instead of a master’s degree thesis.

A research paper refers to a paper written based on practical surveys and research on a specific subject.

Relevant students need to meet the following three requirements at the time of submission:

  1. Give 1 or more oral presentations of their thesis at an academic conference,

  2. Publish 1 or more theses in a professional journal, and

  3. (Be expected to) Earn 32 or more credits for courses.

*Regarding 1 and 2, students must clarify which part of the thesis they have contributed to when submitting it.

Students who choose to submit a research paper must provide notification about it during the final semester after gaining approval from their academic advisers.

The review criteria for a practically researched specific subject research paper must meet all of the criteria in 1. and 2.

1.The research must have potential for application.

2.The applicant must have the ability to promote the research, the ability to logically explain the research results, and a wide range of specialized knowledge in the research field.

Doctoral program

  1. Content of research advising in each semester

Students are required to receive academic and research advising, making close contact with their academic supervisors. The content of advising in each semester is shown below. The information on research presentation sessions described below is provided for students enrolled in the spring semester. For students enrolled in the fall semester, refer to the session schedule described in the subsequent semester. Students are required to report their research progress at least once per semester in consultation with their academic supervisor.

1st semester

  • Students determine their academic supervisors and co-supervisors, select a research theme, and formulate necessary survey and research methods and a research proposal based on the research theme.

  • Students take the necessary courses based on the academic advising.

  • Students report the progress of their research at an interim presentation session and a term end presentation session.

2nd semester

  • Students mainly conduct surveys and research, receiving advising from their academic supervisors in line with the progress of their research.

  • Students take the necessary courses based on the academic advising.

  • Students report the progress of their research at an interim presentation session and a term end presentation session.

3rd semester

  • Students mainly conduct surveys and research, receiving advising from their academic supervisors in line with the progress of their research.

  • Students take the necessary courses based on the academic advising.

  • Students report the progress of their research at an interim presentation session and a term end presentation session.

  • Students submit their research findings to academic journals and the Graduate School Bulletin and give a presentation at academic conferences at home and abroad.

4th semester

  • Students analyze survey and research data to put together their research findings.

  • Students take the necessary courses based on the academic advising.

  • Students report the progress of their research at an interim presentation session and a term end presentation session.

  • Students submit their research findings to academic journals and the Graduate School Bulletin and give a presentation at academic conferences at home and abroad.

5th semester

  • Students continue to analyze survey and research data to put together their research findings.

  • Students take the necessary courses based on the academic advising.

  • Students report the progress of their research at an interim presentation session and a term end presentation session.

  • Students submit their research findings to academic journals and the Graduate School Bulletin and give a presentation at academic conferences at home and abroad to satisfy completion requirements.

  • Students write their doctoral thesis.

6th semester

  • Students take the necessary courses based on the academic advising.

  • Students conduct additional surveys and research as needed.

  • Students submit their doctoral thesis.

A Review Committee is established after a chief examiner and a deputy chief examiner are selected. The first and second committee meetings are held in late November and late December, respectively. (For students enrolled in the fall semester: 1st meeting (late June), 2nd meeting (mid-July)). In some cases, the third and subsequent meetings are held.

A public hearing on the doctoral thesis and an announcement of review results are held in late January and in mid-March, respectively.

(For students enrolled in the fall semester: public hearing on doctoral thesis (late July), announcement of review results (mid-September))

  1. Outline of thesis presentation meetings (sessions) and the requirements for presentations

Students are provided with opportunities to pursue their studies and to interact with each other. Students are obliged to attend every session and report the progress and findings of their research in front of all faculty members. Since students are required to receive and answer questions about their research content from people other than their academic supervisors at these sessions, they can develop their ability to answer questions asked from different perspectives. They are also expected to try to improve their thesis by learning the research content of other students. For the details of presentation sessions, see materials distributed as needed by the course instructors.

Graduate School of Regional Development Studies

Doctoral program

  1. Content of research advising in each semester

Students are required to receive advising on course registration and research, making close contact with their academic supervisors. The content of research advising in each semester is shown below.

1st semester

Students determine a research theme, and formulate survey and research methods and a research proposal in accordance with the research theme.

2nd semester

Students mainly conduct survey and research, receiving advising from their academic supervisors in line with the progress of their research.

3rd semester

Students mainly conduct survey and research, receiving advising from their academic supervisors in line with the progress of their research.

4th semester

Students analyze survey and research data to put together research findings. They are encouraged to submit their research findings to an academic journal, the Graduate School Bulletin, and other journals.

5th semester

Students continue to mainly analyze the data and put together research findings. In addition, they are asked to actively submit their papers to internal and external journals to satisfy completion requirements.

6th semester

Students complete their doctoral thesis. In some cases, they conduct additional surveys and research.

  1. Outline of thesis presentation meetings (sessions) and the requirements for presentations

2 presentation sessions (interim and term-end sessions) are held in each semester to provide students with opportunities to pursue their studies and to interact with each other. All students are required to give a presentation at the sessions, and are expected to draw on other students’ presentations for their research. A public hearing of doctoral theses is concurrently held with the term-end presentation session in the final semester. For the details of presentation sessions, see materials distributed as needed by the course instructors.

Kawagoe Campus

Graduate School of Interdisciplinary New Science

Master’s program

1.Content of research advising in each semester

1st semester

    • Receive academic advice on basic and specialized courses in accordance with your thesis title.

    • Make a research plan and acquire research methodology for surveys and experiments.

2nd semester

    • Receive advice on writing reviews regarding the current status of research activities in fields related to your research based on your awareness of issues.

    • Confirm and review your research plan according to the goal to be reached.

    • Experience presentations and debates that are relevant to your research topic, and acquire presentation and communication skills.

3rd semester

    • Based on your concrete research topic, conduct surveys and experiments, verify the research methods you used, and summarize your research findings.

    • Receive advice on making presentations at academic conferences and submitting thesis in and outside of Japan, for working actively.

4th semester

    • Consider main points of your thesis.

    • Further improve your research and complete your master’s thesis.

Doctoral program

1.Content of research advising in each semester

1st semester

  • Acquire skills for handling experiment devices in line with your thesis title.

  • Develop a research plan and check research methods, such as methods for surveys and experiments.

2nd semester

  • With a view to submitting papers and making presentations at international academic conferences, you will be advised how to write English reviews relevant to your research.

  • Experience presentations and debates in English that are relevant to your research topic, and acquire English presentation and communication skills.

3rd semester

  • Based on your concrete research topic, conduct surveys and experiments.

  • Verify the adequacy of the research methods you used, and summarize and evaluate your research findings.

4th semester

  • You will be advised how to write reviews regarding the current status of research activities in fields related to your research based on your awareness of issues.

  • You will be advised how to deliver presentations at academic conferences in and outside of Japan in order to utilize the outcome for your research and doctoral thesis.

  5th semester

  • Strengthen your research through submitting papers and making presentations at academic conferences in and outside of Japan.

6th semester

  • Confirm the number of your published papers, and consider the main points of your doctoral thesis.

  • Further improve your research and write up/ complete your doctoral thesis.

Graduate School of Information Sciences and Arts

Master program

.Research Advising in Each Semester

1st semester

  • Choose a research topic for your master’s thesis, divide it into several sub-titles and develop a research plan to demonstrate each of them.

  • Practice clearly stating the purpose of the study and explain its significance with writing short Japanese papers. It should be an original contribution to the body of knowledge in their discipline. The thesis should be written using the prescribed form.

  • You will receive academic advice on basic courses and specialized courses according to your thesis title.

  • Submit a thesis abstract (two pages in English or both Japanese/ English text) at the end of the semester, and make an interim presentation.

2nd semester

  • Find some question you feel the body of knowledge in your field does not answer adequately. Plan and implement experiments in line with your research plan to solve your question.

  • Practice making presentations and answer questions through a research presentation at academic conferences in Japan.

  • You will be advised how to write reviews regarding the current status of research activities in fields related to your research based on your awareness of issues.

  • Confirm and review your research plan according to the goal to be reached.

  • Submit a thesis abstract (four pages in English or both Japanese/ English text) at the end of the semester, and make an interim presentation.

3rd semester

  • Demonstrate the benefits of your master’s thesis question/ topic through your experiments and research, and make a presentation of the results at international academic conferences.

  • Write the thesis in English to get familiar with the technical terms and English expressions specific to each field.

  • Based on your concrete research topic, conduct surveys and experiments, verify the research methods you used, and summarize your research findings.

  • Submit a thesis abstract (six pages in English and or both Japanese/ English text) at the end of the semester, and make an interim presentation.

4th semester

  • Complete your master’s thesis based on the research findings you presented at international academic conferences.

  • Give English presentations in written and oral form at conferences/ journals which value is highly recognized.

  • Give a presentation of your English thesis.

  • Consider the main points of your master’s thesis.

  • Further improve your research and write up/complete your master’s thesis.

2.Outline of the Thesis Reporting Session (Thesis Presentation Session) and Requirements for Presentation, etc.

You must prepare a thesis abstract and report it at an interim presentation session every semester. Details, such as the time, date and place, will be announced at a later date.

Reporting time (including time for questions and answers) is set for 10 minutes per student. Prepare 50 copies of your abstract and bring them to the session.

Students enrolled in the Master's Program should attend all reporting sessions.

In an interim presentation session, you will be required to submit English or both Japanese/ English versions of your research outline. All faculty members will attend the session to confirm their conformity and the progress situation of your research from several points of view. According to the research progress, the research outline is set to be two pages in the first semester, four pages in the second semester, six pages in the third semester, and six pages in the fourth semester. The abstract must be six pages which is a standard for a thesis abstract in academic conferences related to information, in order to be fully prepared for external academic presentations/ conferences.

A Model Case to obtain a Master’s Degree (For students enrolled from fall semester, refer to the brackets) 【PDF】

Doctoral program

1. Research Advising in Each Semester

1st semester

  • Acquire skills for handling experiment devices in line with your thesis title.

  • Develop a research plan and check research methods, such as methods for surveys and experiments.

2nd semester

  • With a view to submitting papers and making presentations at international academic conferences, you will be advised how to write English reviews relevant to your research.

  • Experience presentations and debates in English that are relevant to your research topic, and acquire English presentation and communication skills.

3rd semester

  • Based on your concrete research topic, conduct surveys and experiments.

  • Verify the adequacy of the research methods you used, and summarize and evaluate your research findings.

4th semester

  • You will be advised how to write reviews regarding the current status of research activities in fields related to your research based on your awareness of issues.

  • You will be advised how to deliver presentations at academic conferences in and outside of Japan in order to utilize the outcome for your research and doctoral thesis.

5th semester

  • Strengthen your research through submitting papers and making presentations at academic conferences in and outside of Japan.

6th semester

  • Confirm the number of your published papers, and consider the main points of your doctoral thesis.

  • Further improve your research and write up/ complete your doctoral thesis.

2. Outline of the Thesis Reporting Session (Thesis Presentation Session) and Requirements for Presentation, etc.

In the course of doctoral thesis review, the Doctoral Thesis Review Committee will set a date for a doctoral thesis public hearing. In general, the hearing will be conducted in public, either in or outside of the university.

For a presentation related to a patent, in accordance with “Submitting a Thesis Pertaining to a Patent,” all examiners, as well as attendees at relevant meetings and the presentation session, shall sign a confidentiality agreement, and the presentation session will be organized or co-organized by the university in consideration of not impairing the application requirements for a patent.

The details of a doctoral thesis public hearing, such as the date, briefing materials on the day, slides, and presentation time, will be announced respectively for each course. Follow your academic supervisors’ instructions.

A Model Case to obtain a Doctoral Degree (For students enrolled from fall semester, refer to the brackets) 【PDF】

Itakura Campus

Graduate School of Life Sciences

Master’s program

1.Research Advising in Each Semester

1st semester:

    • Students are to receive guidance for the selection of courses based on their thesis title.

    • Students are to make a research proposal and acquire research skills for surveys, experiments, and other investigations.

2nd semester:

    • Students are to survey current research activities in areas related to their research topic.

    • Students are to adjust their research proposal according to their progress in attaining their research goal.

    • Students are to cultivate their presentation and communication skills by presenting at a midpoint research presentation session one year after admission.

3rd semester:

    • Students are to conduct surveys and experiments based on their research theme and improve their research accuracy while confirming the validity of the research method.

    • Students are to receive guidance on how to proactively make presentations on their research results at domestic and overseas conferences and by submitting papers for publication.

4th semester:

    • Students are to examine the outline of their master's thesis.

    • Students are to finalize their master's thesis.

2.Outline of the Thesis Reporting Session (Thesis Presentation Session) and Requirements for Presentation, etc.

Students in the master's program must give a presentation on their research topic and method related to their research theme as well as on their research findings that have thus far been made at the midpoint research presentation session held at the end of the second semester. For the midpoint research presentation session, students will give a poster-style presentation at the appropriate time, from February to March (for students who entered in April) or August to September (for students who entered in September). The poster must be in English, and the size must not exceed the partition (175 cm x 85 cm). The posters must be put up at a designated place on the day before the date of the presentation and be available for viewing. Viewing posters and attending presentations are permitted to undergraduate students and above who have signed the participants' list, which stipulates the "confidentiality obligation before patent application."

When the manner or style of how to give a presentation has been changed, students will be given the direction about it.

.Guideline for writing a master's thesis

<Master's thesis>

As a general rule , the below items must be included.

Front cover: Academic year of completion, thesis title/subtitle, graduate school/course/program, student ID number, student name

Inside Cover: Thesis title/subtitle, graduate school/course/program, student name

Table of contents: Title of each chapter and its page number

Text: Research purpose, experimental methods, results and discussion, summary, references, acknowledgments

* A simple softcover binding must be used to bind a master's thesis. However, students are allowed to temporarily submit a thesis bound with a lever file on loan from the Administration Section of the Itakura Campus Office if they make the request by noon of the day of thesis submission. In such a case, students are to submit a simple softcover thesis to their Chief Thesis Examiner and Deputy Thesis Examiner as soon as the Examiners have reviewed the master's thesis. The lever file is to be returned to the Administration Section of the Itakura Campus Office.

<Master's thesis abstract>

As a general rule, the below items must be included.

Thesis title, student ID number, student name, academic supervisor name, research purpose, experimental methods, results and discussion, and references

* If figures or tables are used, they must fit within the space of the prescribed pages.

<Specific subject research paper>

For more information, please contact the Administration section of the Itakura Campus Office.

Master's program completion requirements

A master's degree is awarded to students who have been enrolled in a master's program for two or more years, have earned 30 or more credits, have received research advising as necessary, have received appropriate evaluation at the midpoint research presentation session, and have passed the review and final examination of their master's thesis or specific subject research paper in line with the aims of the Graduate School of Life Sciences.

1) Requirements for master's thesis submission

  1. Earn the number of credits, as determined by the Graduate School of Life Sciences, required for the completion of their course of study.

  2. Receive necessary research advising determined by the Graduate School of Life Sciences and receive approval from their academic supervisor and co-supervisor regarding the submission of their thesis.

  3. Give a midpoint research presentation determined by the Graduate School of Life Sciences.

  4. Provide notification of the title of their degree thesis during the period determined by the Graduate School of Life Sciences.

However, students who meet the following requirements may submit a master's thesis as part of a special early graduation program.

  • Students who have earned or are expected to earn 30 or more credits for all required courses and have received the grade of A or S for all of these courses. However, transferred credits "T" will be evaluated retrospectively as the pre-transfer grade.

  • Students who have published at least one peer-reviewed paper as a first-author in an area related to their master's thesis (a paper written in Japanese is also acceptable). A reprint or acceptance notice must be attached.

  • Students who have been recommended by their Academic Advisor

* One-year, early graduation students are exempt from the midpoint research presentation.

2) Review standards for master's thesis

  1. The thesis is based on the results of research in which the student who wishes to earn a master's degree has been independently engaged, and the novelty of the thesis must be clearly shown.

  2. The survey of previous studies based on bibliographical sources and fact-finding research should be appropriately conducted, and the positioning of the research should be clearly shown.

  3. Research methods should be appropriate and be described in a clear and specific manner.

  4. The conclusion of the thesis and the development of analysis and discussion should be logical and convincing.

  5. The thesis should be organized in a proper format, with sources cited appropriately.

3) Specific subject research paper submission requirements

Pursuant to the above master's thesis. However, students are to contact their academic supervisor for more information.

4) Specific subject research paper review standards

To be at a level that shows the acquirement of in-depth knowledge of life sciences from a broad perspective and the cultivation of the extraordinary ability demanded to build a sustainable society. However, this shall not preclude thesis length being less than the required length for a normal master's thesis.

Schedule (students entering in April)

1st semester in the first year of study

Early April: Entrance ceremony, enrollment procedure, course registration guidance

Mid-April: Course registration

Early May: Submission of a master's thesis title

Mid-Sept.: Announcement of grades

* Students are to receive guidance for the selection of courses in line with their thesis title.

* Students are to make a research proposal and acquire research methodology for surveys, experiments, and

other investigations.

 2nd semester in the first year of study

Late Sept.: Course registration

Late Feb.: Midpoint research presentation session

Mid-March: Announcement of grades

*Based on their own awareness of the issues, students are to survey current research activities in areas related to their research topic.

* Students are to adjust their research proposal based on their progress in attaining their research goal.

* Students are to cultivate their presentation and communication skills by presenting at a midpoint research presentation session, one year after admission.

3rd semester in the second year of study

Early April: Procedure for academic year promotion

Mid-April: Course registration

Early May: Submission of a master's thesis title

Early Sept.: Announcement of grades

* Students are to conduct surveys and experiments based on their finalized research theme and improve their research accuracy while confirming the validity of the research method.

* Students are to receive guidance on how to proactively make presentations on their research results at domestic and overseas conferences as well as by submitting papers for publication.

4th semester in the second year of study

Late Sept.: Course registration

* Students are to examine the outline of their master's thesis.

* Students are to conduct observation and analysis of their obtained research results and finalize their master's thesis.

Early Jan.: Submission of a master's thesis

Mid-Feb.: Master's thesis presentation session

Late Feb.: Announcement of completion of all requirements in fulfillment of the master's program, and announcement of grades

Early March: Announcement of students who have completed the course

Late March: Diploma presentation ceremony/ Graduation ceremony

Doctoral program

1. Research Advising in Each Semester

1st semester

Students are to pick their academic adviser in accordance with their desired research area.

Students are to decide on their research subject and receive guidance in preparation for making a research proposal.

2nd semester

  • Students are to carry out a survey on prior studies in areas related to their research topic based on their awareness of the issues.

  • Students are to make a hypothesis and conduct preliminary experiments and surveys based on their research goal.

  • Students are to cultivate their presentation and communication skills by presenting a midpoint research presentation session.

3rd semester to 4th semester

  • Students are to collect and analyze data related to their research subject and have their academic advisor confirm their research progress.

  • Students are to cultivate their advanced presentation and communication skills by presenting a midpoint report session.

5th semester

  • Students are to receive guidance on the validity of their research method and the data related to their research subject and improve their research accuracy.

  • Students are to receive guidance on how to proactively make presentations on their research results at domestic and overseas conferences as well as by submitting papers for publication to academic journals.

6th semester

  • Students are to examine the outline of their doctoral thesis (Type A).

  • Students are to finalize their doctoral thesis.

2. Outline of the Thesis Reporting Session (Thesis Presentation Session) and Requirements for Presentation, etc.

<Midpoint research presentation session>

Students in the doctoral program must give a presentation on their research topic and method related to their research theme as well as on their research findings that have thus far been made at the midpoint research presentation session held at the end of the second semester. For the midpoint research presentation session, students will give a poster-style presentation at the appropriate time, from February to March (for students who entered in April) or from August to September (for students who entered in September).

The poster must be in English, and the size must not exceed the partition (175 cm x 85 cm). The posters must be put up at a designated place on the day before the date of the presentation and be available for viewing.

Viewing posters and attending presentations are permitted to undergraduate students and above who have signed the participants' list, which stipulates the "confidentiality obligation before patent application."

<Midpoint report session>

Students in the doctoral program must give a report at the midpoint report session held at the end of the third semester. For the midpoint research presentation session, students will give a presentation in an oral presentation style at the appropriate time, from August to September (students who entered in April) or from

February to March (for students who entered in September). The presentation is to be in either Japanese or English. Attending the midpoint report session is permitted to undergraduate students and above who have signed the participants' list, which stipulates the "confidentiality obligation before patent application."

When the manner or style of how to give a presentation has been changed, students will be given the direction about it.

<Doctoral program research report>

As a general rule, students enrolled in the doctoral program must submit a doctoral program research report at the end of the 2nd, 4th, and 6th semester.

Guideline for writing a doctoral thesis

Please refer to the doctoral thesis (Type A) submission guidelines that were handed out.

.Doctoral program completion requirements

1) Doctoral thesis submission requirements

  1. Student must publish one or more original papers (publication notification is also acceptable)*. At least one of these papers must be equivalent to a full paper published as a first-author in an English academic journal in which the theses are rigorously refereed. Students who have completed a Master's program at another university and are enrolled in the Doctoral program at Toyo University must publish one or more original papers that meet the above criteria during their course of study in the Doctoral program.

  2. Students must report their research progress at interim debrief meetings determined by the Graduate School of Life Sciences.

However, there are cases where those students who have produced outstanding research results are allowed to submit a doctoral thesis for early completion after being enrolled at graduate school for three years or more (including enrollment period for students who have completed a master's program).

In that case, the above condition (1.) will change as below.

Students must publish two or more original papers (publication notification is also acceptable)*. At least two of these papers must be equivalent to a full paper published as a first-author in an English academic journal in which the theses are rigorously refereed. Students who have completed a Master's program at another university and are enrolled in the Doctoral program at Toyo University must publish two or more original papers that meet the above criteria during their course of study in the Doctoral program.


  • An original paper used in the past to earn a degree may not be used.

  • A separately specified consent form is required if there are co-researchers.

  • A reprint is to be attached if the above English academic thesis is already published. If it is in the stage of publication acceptance, then materials that show evidence of the notification (e-mail, letter, etc.) is to be attached. After publication, a reprint is to be submitted without delay.

2) Doctoral thesis review standards

In accordance with the separately specified doctoral thesis review standards of the Graduate School of Life Sciences.