
総合情報学部SGUルーム(Super Global University Communication Room)は、総合情報学部の教育活動のグローバル化の一環として7号館1階に開設され、学生向けの外国語スタディや異文化コミュニケーション、学習・留学相談など多岐にわたる支援を行っています。

SGUルームでは、英語に加えて中国語のネイティブ教員とTA(Teaching Assistant)も常駐し、中国語学習講座を定期的に開催しており、多彩な外国語学習を展開しています。また、中国やベトナムをはじめとする多国籍のTAが留学生のキャンパスライフをサポートし、アジア地域における異文化交流・留学生支援にも力を入れています。



SGU Room in the faculty of Information Sciences and Arts

SGU Room (Super Global University Communication Room) in the faculty of Information Sciences and Arts has been established on the first floor of Building 7 as a part of the globalization of educational activities at the faculty of Information Sciences and Arts.

In addition to English, SGU Room is staffed by native Chinese language instructors and TAs (Teaching Assistants), who regularly hold Chinese language study classes to provide a variety of foreign language learning opportunities. Moreover, multinational TAs from China, Vietnam, and other countries support the campus life of international students. We are also making efforts to support cross-cultural exchange and international students in the Asian region.

In the SGU Room, we have not only reference books for language qualifications such as TOEIC, TOEFL and IELTS, but also English magazines, literary books, and trendy foreign films. All of them are available to rent, so please take advantage of this great opportunity to experience foreign cultures.

SGU Room is not only a place for language study, but also a place to experience international culture and to accelerate the communication between Japanese students and international students, which further promotes cultural diversity in the university.


综合信息学部SGU交流空间(Super Global University Communication Room)作为综合信息学部国际化教育活动的一环,开设于7号馆1层,面对学生们提供外语学习和跨文化交流、日常课程学习以及海外留学等支援帮助。

SGU交流空间不仅拥有英语外教TA(Teaching Assistant),同时汉语母语的老师和TA坐镇定期举办汉语学习讲座,为学生们提供丰富多彩的外语学习环境。之外中国和越南等外籍TA着力援助留学生们的在校生活,特别注重亚洲区域的跨文化交流和留学生支援。

