At Townley, each key stage has its own STEM leadership.

At KS3 we have STEM Seekers.

At KS4 we have STEM Champions.

At KS5 we have STEM Leaders and Senior STEM Leaders.

Townley has a deep and wide net of highly impactful STEM Leaders across all year groups.

The Year 13 Senior STEM Leaders work with the Year 12 STEM Leaders to spearhead and promote activities and programmes throughout the school. They are outstanding role models for both their student peers and younger students. This year a group of the Year 12 STEM Leaders were pivotal in launching the new #TownleyShakeUpSTEM magazine and in contributing towards the Year 7 Virtual STEM Day.

We have an active group of KS4 STEM Champions and KS3 STEM Seekers who work with staff and their student peers to support year-based STEM days and to run mini-projects and awareness-raising days throughout the year. A group of KS4 STEM Champions from Year 10 are currently leading not only on the content of Issue 2 of the #TownleyShakeUpSTEM magazine but they are also going to be trained in computer based graphic design publication so that they can design and create the whole magazine themselves from beginning to end! STEM Student Leadership in action!

STEM subjects and exposure to STEM related careers and inspiring people from the past and present are a central part of the Townley learning journey for all our students and we are officially recognised as a Maths and Computing specialist school.

We look forward to your input into and drive to lead on STEM related activities and projects on your own personal Townley STEM learning journey!