Grade 3

C3.1 solve problems and create computational representations of mathematical situations by writing and executing code, including code that involves sequential, concurrent, and repeating events 
C3.2 read and alter existing code, including code that involves sequential, concurrent, and repeating events, and describe how changes to the code affect the outcomes

Scroll down this page to see all activities available, or use the buttons below to quickly access specific activities.


Mouse Trap (unplugged) (EduGains) (K)

Happy Maps (unplugged) ( (Instruction Video)(Worksheet)(Game Pieces)

Click here for printable ScratchJR Blocks

Suggestion: Print. Remove numbers. Laminate blocks. Use whiteboard marker to add numbers in the space for the blocks. Have students practice using printed blocks coding movement activities in the classroom prior to using the program.

For more information on how to get started with ScratchJR, please visit our support page for this.


Sequential Events using

Intro to Sequencing with Scrat.webm

Sequencing with Scrat

In this activity students will use block code to create instructions for Scrat (saber-toothed squirrel from Ice Age) to collect his acorn. Students will be guided through every activity. As they progress through the activities the level of difficulty slowly builds. 

Sequencing with Angry Birds

The popular game, Angry Birds, is featured in this fun coding activity. Simiar to the Scrat activities above, this self-guided program will walk students through moving Angry Birds through various mazes to catch the pigs. 

CONCURRENT EVENTS (Parallel Tasks) - Plugged

Concurrent (Parallel) Events.webm

Watch this video to see how simple it is to create concurrent (parallel) events.

Students can now try to create a program that runs concurrent events. 

REPEATING EVENTS (Loops) - Plugged

In the video on the left, you will see how repeated blocks of code (AB pattern) in ScratchJR can be replaced by nesting blocks of code within a repeat block.

Original Code - Look for the blocks that repeat themselves
New Code - By using a repeat block the original code above could be condensed to this line of code. Since the output is the same, the lines of code are considered to equivalent.

Repeating Events using

REPEATING EVENTS (Loops) - Unplugged

This is a Google Slide that has similar blocks of code is in the plugged activities above. Feel free to print and cut out the shapes and use in as many ways as you would like to provide unplugged coding activities that are sequential and/or include repeated events. 


Sequential, Concurrent & Repeating Events.webm

Watch this video that demonstrates concurrent & repeating events. 

This program was created using Scratch JR

Concurrent & Repeating Events - Click on the link to open this program in Scratch

Try to read the code and see what is the same and different for the crab and fish. Read instructions on activity page for more information. 


Typically, in math class, a child's reaction to a wrong answer is to try to forget it as fast as possible. In coding, 'the programmer is encouraged to study the bug rather than forget the error.' ~Papert


A great example of an activity to read and alter code is to debug the code. This means, whenever you have an error, you will need to figure out where things went wrong. Read the code, alter the code, and then execute!

Watch the video on the left to watch a brief video that describes what debugging is all about. Then try the debugging activity in (click on button below).

Bug Walking Activities (C1.2, 3.1, 3.2, E1.4)

On pages 7 - 19 in this digital book you will be looking at 4 activities created in Scratch that help students become familiar with Scratch and using the Pen tool to create squares. Students will be learning how to use sequence of events, repeat blocks, and then nested repeat blocks. 

Note: activity pages that can given to students are provided in both English and French!

Movement Patterns with Scratch (C1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.1, 3.2, E1.4)

On pages 43 - 55  students will be guided through pre-made Scratch activities to explore sequential & concurrent patterns. They will also be looking at walk patterns with Scratch repeat blocks and even how to alter the ode to use rotations of different magnitudes. 

Access to this resource is for TLDSB staff & Students only. To purchase a copy, go to

Connections: Other Curriculum Expectations + Coding

Below you will find activities created by educators in TLDSB and beyond. Curriculum aligned expectations will be noted in each activity and provided with more detail at the bottom of this page.

Watch this video with students to visit basic pattern recognition. Use unplugged or plugged activities above to help 'program' a pattern. An example of a program that you can use with students is on the right and below.

Patterns, Location, & Movement with ScratchJR 

(C 1.1, 1.2, 3.1, 3.2, E.4, E.5)

This ScratchJR program is a great example of coding a repeating pattern and then nest it within a loop to make it more efficient. 

Click here for demonstration of this program.

C1.1 identify and describe repeating elements and operations in a variety of patterns, including patterns found in real-life contexts

C1.2 create and translate patterns that have repeating elements, movements, or operations using various representations, including shapes, numbers, and tables of values

C1.3 determine pattern rules and use them to extend patterns, make and justify predictions, and identify missing elements in patterns that have repeating elements, movements, or operations

C1.4 create and describe patterns to illustrate relationships among whole numbers up to 1000

E1.4 give and follow multistep instructions involving movement from one location to another, including distances and half- and quarter-turns