Creating a Better World: Week 2: 24/05/24

This Week...

This week Quartz class performed their class assembly to their families and Reception and Key Stage 1. Mrs Ryan was very impressed with the way the children spoke and how confident they were.

I had the pleasure of going swimming with Year 4 on Tuesday. It was lovely to see how determined the children were to improve their skills. I was particularly impressed with those children who were initially not keen to put their faces in the water but by the end of the session dived down to pick up an object from the bottom of the pool! 

In my assemblies this week we have spoken about Creating a Better World. We talked about the fact that one small change can make a big difference and that even though they are young they can still make a difference.

We hope that all of our families are able to enjoy a restful week and look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Tuesday 4th June.

Family Survey

It is the time of year where we would like to capture your views about our school; please complete the quick survey by following the link below. This allows us to review what is going well and what we can do to improve. 

If you have more than one child and their experiences have been different, please complete a separate form for each child. 

Survey link:


Thank-you to the Friends of Tithe Farm for organising last night's summer disco. The children danced their socks off and stocked up on plenty treats!

SATs Breakfast

Thank-you to Tesco and Morrisons for supplying the food for our SATs breakfasts. During SATs week the Year 6 children always enjoy coming to school early to get ready for the morning tests by having a social breakfast with their friends.


Attendance to date: 94%

Attendance this week: 94%

We are also celebrating the 200 children who have been everyday this half term! Well done - this isn't easy when there are lots of bugs going around!


Attendance: Sapphire (97%) and Opal (97%)