Technical requirements

The minimum requirements for using the system are:

  • personal computer with at least the following performance: CPU frequency 1 GHz, operational memory 1024 MB, hard disk 20 GB

  • user's personal computer is connected to the Internet with a minimum connection speed of 2 Mbps (DOWNLOAD) / 512 Kbps (UPLOAD)

  • user has a supported Internet browser installed on the computer

Supported browser with their versions:

  • Mozilla Firefox 73.0 and higher

  • Google Chrome 80.0.3987.106 and higher

  • Opera 66.0.3515.72 and higher

  • Microsoft Edge 80.0.361.54 and higher

  • Internet Explorer 11.657.18362.0 and higher

Minimal requirements necessary for participation of vendor in auction are:

  • participant possesses a personal computer with minimal configuration of: frequency CPU 1 GHz, operational memory 1024 MB, hard drive 20 GB

  • personal computer of the participant is connected to the Internet with minimum speed of connection 2 Mbps (DOWNLOAD) / 512 Kbps (UPLOAD)

  • participant has installed an internet browser, which has Java Script and SW Java version 1.8 and higher enabled.

  • contractor has submitted an offer to a contract, or at least to its part

  • at least one of the offers by the contractor has successfully been evaluated

  • contracting authority has selected a contractor among participants of the auction

  • user of the vendor, which wants to participate in an auction (submit auction bids), has role of participant of the contract to the root unit

Minimum conditions necessary for the submission of electronic tenders: