Electronic auction

To participate in the auction it is necessary for the user to be logged in and at the same time to be on the procurement procedure detail. To find a specific tender procedure, use the description given in the profiles of the contracting authorities.

Click on the Electronic submissions button in the procurement procedure detail.

Tlačítko Elektronické podání v přehledu zakázky pro přihlášeného uživatele

We are now on the electronic submission page. Click the Auction Hall button. The button is accessible only if required by the contracting authority. You will be redirected to the original part of the Tender arena system.

To participate in the auction, your device must meet the minimum requirements. You can find out about these requirements in the technical requirements chapter. The following content is divided into the following chapters:

Note: Currently not available through mobile and tablet devices.

Description of the auction hall

The structure of the auction hall is based primarily on which items and criteria are subjected to the auction. The default setting is that all items and criteria set in the tender procedure will be the subject of the auction and all bidders whose participation proposals have been accepted will become auction participants. However, the contracting authority has the option to further edit each of these sections. The contracting authority may stipulate that the subject of the electronic auction will not be certain evaluation criteria or items. The values ​​of these criteria (items) then enter the auction as fixed, non-editable values, which, however, are included in the overall evaluation.

The default values ​​of the auction hall are the values ​​entered by the bidders when submitting proposals. Values ​​from proposals that were submitted electronically are pre-filled here automatically, values ​​from paper proposals are filled in by the contracting authority before the start of the auction. The most appropriate values ​​for each item and criterion are highlighted in red. The Contracting Authority has the option of determining whether the participants will be shown all the auction values ​​they have entered, or whether each participant will be shown their current order.

The upper part of the auction hall shows its settings:

* Minimum and maximum differences for individual submissions of auction values ​​- Minimum and maximum differences are percentage values ​​calculated for each auction item from the last submitted auction proposal, these values ​​determine the range for submission of new auction values ​​(does not apply to auction values ​​that have not been changed). For example, if the current proposal for an item is CZK 100, the minimum difference is 1% and the maximum difference is 50%, the auction participant must enter a value between CZK 50 and CZK 99 (or keep CZK 100). If the bidder enters a value outside the limits determined by these differences when submitting the auction proposal, he is notified of this fact by a pop-up message and the auction proposal is not saved. The determination of the minimum and maximum difference is made by the contracting authority.

* Data related to the automatic extension of the auction - An automatic extension occurs if the time until the end of the auction round is shorter than the time interval specified in the Time interval for applying one extension field and a proposal occurs that affects the most suitable proposal. The time by which the auction round is extended is determined by the Duration field of one extension. The number of extensions can be limited by filling in the Maximum number of extensions field. The completion of data related to automatic renewal is voluntary by the contracting authority.

* Obligation to sign the entry into the auction - The contracting authority has the possibility to require bidders to prove themselves with an electronic signature based on a qualified certificate before entering the auction hall. This authentication is valid for the duration of the user's login. The procedure for signing the entrance to the auction hall is shown in the following figures.

Podpis vstupu do aukční síně - krok 1

Podpis vstupu do aukční síně - krok 1

 Podpis vstupu do aukční síně - krok 2

Podpis vstupu do aukční síně - krok 2

  • Date and time of opening of the auction hall - Before this date, suppliers are not allowed to enter the auction hall. The date and time of the opening of the auction hall must precede the beginning of the auction round, or coincide with the start of the auction round.

  • Start and end of the auction round - At these times, the status of the auction round is automatically changed. At the beginning of the auction round, its status is changed to "running" and at the end to "stopped". It is only possible to bid if the auction round is in the "running" state. Both data can be freely edited, making it possible for the contracting authority to extend or restart the auction round.

  • Values ​​displayed to bidders - The Contracting Authority has the option of determining whether users will be shown all entered auction values ​​or only their current order.

In the auction hall, the status of the Internet connection is displayed in the Connection status field. If the connection is lost, the value of this field changes from "Connected" to "Not connected" and an information panel with the text "Request processing in progress" is displayed in the auction hall. Please wait. ”, Which also prevents manipulation of the auction hall values.

Ztráta připojení k internetu

Loss of internet connection

Inserting an auction proposal

In order to successfully submit an auction proposal, it is necessary to change at least one auction value so that it is more favorable than the original value, meets the required minimum and maximum difference and meets any restrictions set for the criterion. Confirmation of the new auction value (proposal) is done with the Send values button or by pressing the Enter key.

In the event that any of these conditions is not met, the participant is notified by a pop-up message and the auction proposal is not submitted.

If the auction proposal is successfully submitted, the participant is also informed in the form of a pop-up message and at the same time all auction participants are notified of this fact by a message in the lower left corner of the screen.

Automatic logout from the auction hall

As with the entire application, the user is logged out of the application during long periods of inactivity. Therefore, if a user has only displayed the auction hall page for more than twenty (20) minutes without submitting an auction proposal or at least clicking anywhere on the displayed page, a countdown will be displayed to indicate an impending user logout. If there is no activity on the part of the user at this moment, the user is automatically logged out after the countdown is finished.

Automatic logout due to inactivity

Electronic auction for tender procedures split to parts

If the tender procedure is divided into parts, the auction takes place for each part separately. You can switch between the individual auction halls using the slider at the top of the screen, as shown in the following picture.

Aukční síň v rámci zakázky na části

Auction hall with tender procedure split into parts