Switch Access

A student who is unable to use a touchscreen, keyboard, or mouse due to a physical disability, may be able to use a switch or multiple switches to access an iPad. A student can use any body part (e.g. hand, head, elbow, foot etc.) to activate a switch.  The switch should be secured with velcro or mounting hardware so that it stays in the same place each time the student presses it.  A switch can be connected to a computer or an iPad to control an app or software using a switch interface.  The student may use a switch to play cause effect games, turn pages of a book or make choices as items are highlighted on the screen (scanning). If you have a student that you feel may benefit from using a switch contact Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy Services to request an assessment.

The Three Components Needed for Switch Access on the iPad

1. Switch 

Switches can be connected to an iPad using a switch interface. There are many different kinds of switches that you can plug into a switch interface.  The jelly bean switch pictured above is a common example of a switch. Other examples include: Big Red Switch, Smoothie switch, Spec switch, Buddy Button, Wobble switch etc.  

2. Switch Interface

A switch interface connects to the iPad and is needed to connect switches. The Ablenet Blue2 Switch Interface pictured above is an example of a bluetooth switch interface. The switch interface has settings to program what the switch sends to the iPad.  Some interfaces can also be connected directly to the charging port of the iPad for a wired connection using a lightning to USB 3 Camera Adapter.  For example, you can connect a switch adapted mouse, Don Johnston Switch Interface Pro, Switch Click by Ablenet, Send 6 Wireless Switch interface with an IT Receive, Easy Switches from Helpkidzlearn, Swifty, Tapio, or USB Switch by Pretorian.

3. Switch Accessible App/Scanning

The iPads in the 2020-21 SEA iPad Bundle come with Big Bang Pictures and Big Bang Patterns apps for students to practice cause and effect skills. If students can't touch the screen to play, they can use a switch.  Pictello Books can also be accessed with one or two switches.  Switch scanning can be used with grids of choices or vocabulary that can be created in Snap Core First or Go Talk Now.  A very experienced switch user could control an iPad using the built in switch scanning options in iOS.

How do I find the equipment I need to connect switches to the iPad?

Consult with your Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist from TDSB OT/PT Services to find the alternate access equipment you need for your students.  If you don't know who to contact, complete an office hour request form to connect with the TDSB Occupational Therapist on the SEA/ Assistive Technology Team.

How to Connect a Wired Switch to the iPad for HelpKidzLearn Cause Effect Apps Big Bang Pictures and Big Bang Patterns

Remember: To exit Big Bang activities, double tap with two fingers on the top left side of the screen.

The 5 steps listed above are demonstrated in the video below using a lightning to USB 3 Camera adapter cable with the Don Johnston Pro switch interface and the Big Bang Pictures app.  There are many other types of switches and switch interfaces that can be used.


How to Connect Two Wired Switches to the iPad for HelpKidzLearn Cause Effect Apps Big Bang Pictures and Big Bang Patterns

In the video below, connecting two switches to the iPad for two switch access in Big Bang Pictures is demonstrated.  The Don Johnston switch interface and a Big Red and a Big Buddy switch are demonstrated, but there are other switch interfaces that can be used and almost any type of switch could be connected to the switch interface.


How to Connect One or Two Switches to iPad to turn the pages and listen to the text in a Pictello Book

View the video below for a demonstration of how to connect one or two switches to the iPad to turn pages of a book in the switch accessible app Pictello.  In the video, the Pretorian USB switch with a lightning to USB3 Camera adapter is used, but there are many different types of switches that can also be connected.  For example, Bluetooth switches can be connected to the iPad or you can use a Lightning to USB 3 Camera adapter to connect other USB devices such as the Don Johnston switch interface.  

Talk to your TDSB OT/PT if you need support finding a switch to connect to the iPad for your students.  


You may also refer to the written instructions for switch access for Pictello from Assistiveware for more information about reading a book in Pictello using switches.

More External Resources

Switch Control - Apple Support

Set up Switch Control on iPad - iPad User Guide

Switch Control - The Missing User Guide by Ablenet

Go Talk Now User Manual (see section 10 on p33 for Switch Scanning set up and options)

Snap Core First User Manual (see page 90 for Switch Scanning set up and options)

If you have questions about alternate access methods please contact your TDSB OT/PT or submit an office hours request to the Occupational Therapist on the Assistive Technology Team: AT OT Office Hours request form