Alternate Access

Students with physical disabilities and/or fine motor delay may not be able to independently use the touchscreen or the standard onscreen keyboard of an iPad. There are options to make it possible for a student with a physical disability to access the iPad.  Alternate mouse options such as trackballs or joysticks can be plugged into an iPad and there are mouse settings in the iOS.  Also, there are alternative onscreen keyboards or hardware keyboards that can be connected to the iPad, as well as keyboard settings that can be changed in the iOS.  If alternate mouse and keyboard access do not meet the student's needs, switch access is also an option.  The iPad can be used for early switch activities for the student to learn to use a switch, or scanning can be used within a switch accessible app or to provide full switch access to the iPad.  

For more support finding the best alternate access method for your student, please contact Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy Services.