Voice Over

Voice Over is a gesture-based screen reader on the iPad that will read out and describe items on the screen to students. It will read the text (e.g., app names, text on a website or in an app) anywhere students touch the screen. Voice over may assist students with vision impairments to use the iPad .

When the iPad is in Voice Over mode, specific gestures allow you to navigate the iPad.

For example:

  • To select an item and have it read--Single Tap on the screen

  • To activate the selected item (open app or activate menu option)--Double-Tap on the screen

  • For more helpful gestures to use while navigating the iPad while in Voice Over mode please see additional resources below

It can help students who may require support with:

  • Reading text on the screen

  • Vision impairment

Video Demonstration of set up for Voice Over

Accessibility VoiceOver.mov


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For additional information from Apple about the gestures that allow you to navigate the iPad when using VoiceOver on iPad please click the blue link: VoiceOver Gestures