French AT tools

Several Assistive Technology Programs can be used to support students in French. 

Book Creator

Book Creator is a digital tool that enables teachers and students to create multimedia books. 

These books are completely customizable and can be made to support any grade or subject.

Read & Write for Google Chrome

Read&Write Logo

Read&Write for Google Chrome

Read&Write for Google Chrome is assistive technology that can be tailored to meet the needs of students and enable them to independently read, write, and research across different virtual platforms.  

All TDSB employees and students have access to the extension when signed in and syncing to the Chrome web browser.
Visit the Signing in/ Syncing to Chrome webpage.

The settings of Read&Write can be switched to French.

Create Profiles within Read&Write

Create Profiles in Read&Write

Create and customize different profiles and save your favourite specific toolbar options, languages and features for different tasks. No more switching back and forth between English or French features when your profiles will save and load all your specific toolbars for you!  

French Setting in RW
Text to Speech French.mp4

Text-to-Speech (jouer/pause/arret)

Supports increased fluency 

Decreases effort for decoding 

Screen Mask English and French.mp4

Chunking information (ecran masque)

Supports focus & attention

Reduces visual clutter by masking out areas

Message Vocal.mp4

Oral Expression (message vocal)

Supports writing and math fluency

Supports using a variety of assessment methods


Written Expression (prediction tool)

Supports writing and math fluency

Supports using a variety of assessment methods

Mindomo can be used to support French!

Mindomo Logo


Mindomo is an online graphic organizer tool that allows for real-time collaboration using mind maps, concept maps, outlines, & presentations. 

Students and staff must be signed in and syncing to Google Chrome to have full access to the program.

Copy of Updated Mindomo French add Sound Recording.mp4

Sound Recording Tool

High structure

Organizational coaching

Clear verbal instructions

Using a variety of assessment methods 

Copy of Updated Mindomo french add image.mp4

Images Tool

Visual cues

high structure

Organizational coaching

Using a variety of assessment methods

Copy of Updated Mindomo French add Note.mp4

Notes Tool

High structure

Organizational coaching

Using a variety of assessment methods

ActivInspire can be used to support French!

ActivInspire Logo


ActivInspire is assistive technology software that is installed on a computer and can be used with an interactive white board. Staff can make requests for installation for school computers through ServiceIT Windows software request.

Please note that there is no "French Setting" for ActivInspire. Users will type, speak & record, and use French content in flipcharts.

Are you a staff member interested in finding out more? Please contact the AT & SEA Dept. 

Grouping and locking objects.mp4

Grouping & Locking Objects, & Sound Recorder

This video demonstrates grouping images & adding a recording to an image to support the conveying of meaning and expression through various forms.

new activity 3 video.mp4

Markers, Sound Recorder, & Restrictors

This video demonstrates highlighting key information from the text & chunking information.

drag a copy.mp4

Drag a Copy

This video demonstrates the usage of drag a copy in a math activity. The sound recorder tool is used to support the student in sharing ideas.

Do you have questions about French programming in the TDSB? 

Check out the French Department's Google sites below: