AAC Devices

What is AAC?

AAC stands for Augmentative and Alternative Communication. It refers to all tools and strategies an individual may use to express their thoughts and emotions. This includes facial expressions, gestures, signs, as well as picture symbols, simple switches with voice output, and devices with communication apps.

Who is AAC for?

AAC is for individuals who are non-speaking, as well as individuals whose speech is limited or unclear.

If you have any concerns about your child's speech or communication skills, please speak with your child's teacher so your child's needs can be discussed at a School Support Team (SST) meeting with the school Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) present.


What app is on my child's device?

Your child's device has a communication app that is recommended by the school Speech Language Pathologist (SLP).

Can another app be installed on my child's device?

Your child's device is recommended for communication purposes and to support your child's language development. Apps not recommended by the school SLP should not be installed on the device.

If your child requires technology for school work, please discuss this with your child's teacher on how to obtain a separate device.

I don't know how to use the device/app. How can I get support?

Please speak with your child's school SLP. They will be able to support you on using the device or app at home and provide strategies relevant to your child.

Can my child take their device home?

Yes. Your child may take their device home so they can communicate with you and other family members. You have to ensure that the device is fully charged and ready for use at school the following day. Please speak with your child's teacher about taking your child's device home.

What happens when my child's device breaks or is lost?

If the device is broken or missing, please inform your child's school as soon as possible. Your child's school will need to submit a ticket with ServiceIT to determine the next steps.

We are moving. Can my child take their device with them?

Your child's AAC device will move with them as they transition to any school within TDSB or another public school board in Ontario.

My child is graduating. Can my child keep their device?

No. Once your child graduates or leaves an Ontario public school, the device will be returned to the Assistive Technology department so it can be used to help another student.

Please speak with your child's school SLP to connect you with community agencies before your child graduates. Community agencies have a long waitlist and criteria that your child needs to meet before acquiring a device. We recommend that you speak with your SLP as soon as possible.

Supporting your child's communication skills and language development at home