Waste Minimization Tips

Waste Reduction Week in Canada takes place every October to raise awareness to help us reduce waste in our daily lives. The program's educational resources and "take action" messaging empower all Canadians to adopt more environmentally conscious choices. Participating in Waste Reduction Week is a great way to raise awareness at your school about issues that the team has identified as being important to them or to learn about a new area.

Visit: https://wrwcanada.com/en for themed days.

Recipe for Waste-Free Lunches

Introducing waste-free lunches can help your school reduce the amount of garbage you produce.

Running a waste-free lunch event encourages students to reduce waste in an area where they can have control. Class activities can link waste-free lunches to larger issues related to the environmental and economic impacts of waste disposal.

Here are a few suggestions for running a waste-free lunch event

Make announcements leading up to the waste-free lunch day, letting staff and students know that it is coming and reminding them to bring a waste-free lunch.

Put an announcement in the school newsletter or send a flyer home (see next page) to help parents understand the purpose of a

waste-free lunch day and to ask for their support.

Invite the environment club or a class to create posters and displays promoting healthy waste-free lunches and depicts how this goal can be accomplished.

Have students fill out a personal pledge to bring a waste-free lunch and attach the pledges to a large drawing of a lunch box or a waste­ free lunch banner prominently displayed.

Turn over all garbage containers in the lunch area and put a sign on the container explaining that it is a waste-free lunch day and that all waste will need to be taken home. (This is called a "boomerang" or "pack it in, pack it out" lunch.)

Recognize achievements by offering points, tickets for a draw, or by posting or announcing names of students/classes and staff who regularly bring waste-free lunches.

Locker Clean-out

An organized locker clean-out is a great way to capture a lot of useful things that might otherwise end up in landfills. Have members of your EcoTeam or another group/class organize the whole school so that students can sort their lockers’ contents into reusables, recyclables, organics, and real garbage.

Decide the following:

Ideas to consider: