Energy Conservation

The human impact on climate can be reduced more by energy conservation and efficiency measures than by any other means.

Since the production of all energy (including nuclear) relies on burning fossil fuels to greater and lesser extents, the message “use less energy wherever we can” must become our watchword. Exploring, improving, and adopting renewable energy sources such as wind and solar are other important steps toward reducing human impact.

Equally important to reducing our energy use is the growing participation in energy conservation practices at the school, where everyone - principles, teachers, students, administration, and caretakers - can play a role.

EcoSchools Canada Related Action Cards

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EcoSchools Canada

Phantom Power is the electricity that is lost when appliances and electronics are turned off but still plugged into a power source.

Some of the biggest consumers of phantom power are interactive whiteboards, TVs, computers/laptops, printers/fax machines, projectors, chargers, and kitchen appliances.

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